I'm very glad to say that you passed Dr. Farnsworth - thanks.
Born: North Sydney NSW in 1941 and proud to be a fourth generation Anglo-Celtic Australian (unfortunately without, so far, finding convict ancestors - only soldiers/troopers before the 1850s).
Educated: at Lane Cove Primary, North Sydney Boys High and Campbelltown High schools plus Sydney University (Economics) 1959-1961.
Early interests: scouting (Burns Bay & Campbelltown troops), bushwalking and the RAAF (10 Course Sydney University Squadron, Citizen Air Force).
Career: Commonwealth Public Service in the Canberra offices of the Departments of Primary Industry (Bureau of Agricultural Economics), Territories, Trade & Industry, Administrative Services (Purchasing & Disposals) and Finance (Asset Sales) - opted out early for health reasons as an undistinguished SOGB.
Fly fishing (for trout): with the Bogong Group and the Herl and Hackle Club, mainly along the edges of the Snowy Mountains (NSW) lakes since my knees started to object to walking on snow grass.
Bushwalking and camping: wherever time, budget and an increasingly decrepit body allows (recent trips include to the NW Victoria desert national parks, the Kimberly WA and South Island NZ)
Cross-country skiing: in the Snowy Mountains, NSW with the Bogong Group and as a member of the Snowy Vale syndicate. I entered the 1996 Paddy Pallin 25km Cross Country Classic ski race and both completed the course and survived, much to my amazement (we won't mention my time though).
Hut maintenance: mainly with the Bogong Group, the caretakers of Broken Dam Hut, under the auspices of the Kosciusko Huts Association (I was KHA Treasurer in 1982-83 and 1983-84).
Boating (in an aged 40hp Swiftcraft Brigand, "Nancy Lou") and Four Wheel Driving (in an orphan Nissan Navara diesel dual cab): mainly to achieve the above.
Cycling (and otherwise keeping fit): I plan to bicycle around Ireland before I'm too old and decrepit.
Disabled Athletics and Swimming: with my multiply handicapped offspring (Philippa and James) through the ACT Disabled Sport and Recreation Association.
Gardening: mainly vegies and Australian natives as a member of SGAP ACT, the Society for Growing Australian Plants, Canberra Region and
Bee Keeping (amateur): which I'm assured allows me to hang up my shingle as a practising eccentric.
Military History: particularly the Anglo-Boer Wars
Computing: with a modem and a no-name clone IBM PC as a member of the PC Users Group (ACT).
Politics: allegedly to the right of Ghengis Khan according to my chardonay socialist acquaintances.
I can be contacted by email and I also inhabit the Fidonet genealogy echos.
hits. Page last revised 28 September 1997