Colin Roe's Genealogy Page

Colin Roe's Genealogy Page

Some genealogy (family history) sources and links that I find useful & think may appeal to other people with similar interests to mine

Finding things (in the Web or Usenet)

the Alta Vista search engine

Genealogy & Military History

the Canberra DPS (Dead Persons Society), the AWM (War Memorial) and HAGSOC plus the Telstra White Pages (which includes maps) and the Military Historical Society

FTP file BOER_OZ.ZIP (131Kb) containing Dr McLachlan's Index of the 17,865 names listed in Lt. Col Murray's 1911 Official History of the Australian Contingents to the Second Anglo-Boer War 1899-1902.

There is more on my military history page

More about me and my research interests

CV and other personal details about Colin Roe.

My son's tiny tafel which includes links to related genealogy pages.

GED2WWW pages of all our known ancestors are also on the web.

I can be contacted by email and I also follow some of the Fidonet genealogy conferences (as Colin Roe via the PCUG's InterACTive BBS 3:620/243).

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