Bryan Kilgallin's personality

Updated by Bryan Kilgallin on 4 November, 2024.

I studied business and education, both of which have aspects of the human mind. In psychology, personality is also an aspect.
That is about behavioural, cognitive, and emotional patterns. Those are called traits. They are commonly used to describe temperament.
I’ve taken personality tests, some formal, some informal. I noticed that psychologists disliked the informal ones.

Big Five personality traits

This is based on verbal descriptions. However, language tends to be sociable, and emotionality tends to be negative. Culture also affects how traits are expressed. The Big Five are easy to spot in a stranger. But tertiary student surveys may not be reproducible across populations and languages. So this test is only valid for those who are well-educated and live in affluent areas. A sixth honesty-humility factor has also been found.

The five factors, are:

Here are my findings.

Personality factors histogram
I am highly:
  1. conscientious;
  2. open to experience; and
  3. neurotic.
And I'm low in:
  1. agreeableness; and
  2. extraversion.