
Semi-intelligent minor race native to the world of Vanejen ( Rhylanor / Spinward Marches 3119), descended from omnivore/gatherers. Chirpers stand about 1m tall and weigh approximately 25kg. They are intelligent up to a point, and have been known to speak. Their intelligence is more of a rudimentary cunning, devoted to stealing shiny objects or intriguing gadgets. Since these are usually keys, shiny coins, or other small valuable items, the humans on Vanejen have never reacted well to the chirpers.

Chirper society consists of small groups living together with a limited social organisation. They follow age-old patterns of gathering fruits and berries in the wild. Previously wide-ranging, they have been systematically reduced to a few scattered groups in marginal territories.

Finally, chirpers are extremely swift, much more so than their size or build would indicate. They can dash and dart about virtually unseen, if they care to; if someone tries to catch one, it usually can get away. It is nearly impossible to catch a chirper.

Chirpers are named for the sharp bird-like chirp which characterises their speech.

(ADV-2, 1106; SUPP-8, 1107; MT-ENCYC, 1120)

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