Entertainment Equipment

TL Description Unit Wgt (kg) Item qty/ton Price/ton (000's) Wgt/ton (kg)
6 Voice recorder 0.5 1400 140 700
7 Visual Display Unit ("T.V.") 4.0 200 140 800
8 Video recorder 1.2 200 180 240
8 Stereo system 20.0 40 100 800
10 Text recorder 1.0 150 180 150
8 Minicomputer 10.0 40 100 400
10 Hand computer 0.5 400 400 200

Available: 1D x 5 displacement tons.

Actual Value Modifiers
Purchase I - 4, R - 3
Resale I - 3, Ni + 2, P + 1, R - 2

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