Weapons and Body Armor

May include anything from Books 1 or 4 and all MegaTraveller gear. Shipments may cause trouble with local authorities depending on Law Level and the political situation. Shipments may be prime targets for theft or piracy, as some weapons command a premium price on the black market. Armor may not be as much of a problem unless it is combat armor or battledress. Check Law Level when reselling; failure indicates some trouble has occurred.

Roll (2D) Description
2 Energy weapons
3 Laser weapons
4 Blades
5-7 Slug throwers
8-9 Body armor
10-11 Ammunition and accessories
12 Bows and archaic missile weapons

NOTE on prices: all prices are as available on the "open market". Discounts for buying large volumes of military equipment (as per Book 4) are not taken into account.

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