Live Seafood

Marine food animals transported live in tanks.

These may be any type of swimmer generated on the Animal Encounter tables. See Domesticated Marine Animals for more details on animal generation, costs and transportation.

Actual Value Modifiers
Purchase A - 2, Na + 3, I + 3, Wa - 2
Resale A - 2, I + 3, P + 3, R + 2, Wa - 2

Frozen Seafood

Marine food animals transported as frozen foods.

Requires refrigeration of hold or container. A power failure will cause spoilage after 2D hours, making the seafood unsalable.

Substance Volume (cu. m.) Weight (T) Price (Cr) Containers Available
Frozen Seafood 54 4 8000 1D x 5

Actual Value Modifiers
Purchase A - 2, Na + 3, I + 3, Wa - 2
Resale A - 2, I + 3, P + 3, R + 2, Wa - 2

Fresh Seafood

Freshly killed seafood. Short shelf life means seafood requires freezing for interstellar transportation, or may be resold on the sourceworld with resale time increment reduced to ¼ day. If frozen for transport, use the Frozen Seafood table instead.

Substance Volume (cu. m.) Weight (T) Price (Cr) Containers Available
Fresh Seafood 54 4 10000 1D x 5

Actual Value Modifiers
Purchase A - 2, Na + 3, I + 3, Wa - 2
Resale A - 2, I + 3, P + 3, R + 2, Wa - 2

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