The K-9 Papers (Book 8, Striker, MegaTraveller)

Last Updated 10 April 2000.

A joint research project undertaken by trendi and the Rhylanor Institute of Technology.

Compatability Notes: these rules are compatable with Striker, MegaTraveller and Traveller As AD&D.

See the standard description, statistics, and design spreadsheet under the K-9 Robot Profile.

A. Combat Involving K-9

1. Combat Procedure
  1. Roll to hit (remember to subtract Movement DM; max -4)
  2. If successful, determine damage location
    • Referee determines angle of attack
    • Roll on General Hit Location table
    • Roll on Specific Hit Location tables
    • If an italic entry is rolled, roll on the relevant Equipment Damage Tables
  3. Determine damage results from type of penetration
    • Zero Penetration (Superficial): Apply damage to Structure hits at that location
    • Low Penetration (Minor): Apply damage to Structure hits at that location, then use hit location tables for extra Minor damage
    • High Penetration (Major): Apply damage to Structure hits at that location, then use hit location tables for extra Major damage
Note that hits are given in MegaTraveller Damage Points (DP's) and AD&D Hit Points (HP's).
2. Hit Location Tables
Determine angle of attack, then use the following table:

General Hit Location Table
Side/Deck/Belly Front Rear
2-3 Head 2 Head 2-11 Body
4-11 Body 3-11 Body 12 Tail
12 Tail

Specific Hit Location Tables

Body Structure (DP: 12/29; HP: 34/85) Body Hits
2D Hit Location 2D Hit Location
2 Locomotion Structure 8 Chassis
3 Power Structure 9 Cargo
4 Equipment Damage 10 Chassis
5 Brain 11 Chassis
6 Equipment Damage 12 Internal Arm Structure
7 Chassis

Head Structure (DP: 1/2; HP: 2/5) Head Hits
2D Hit Location 2D Hit Location
2 EMS Passive* 8 Speaker
3 NAS Sensor* 9 Holorecorder
4 Brain Interface 10 EMS Active*
5 Sniffer* 11 Laser Pistol*
6 Passive Audio 12 Microspotlight
7 Voder*
* signifies that only part of item exists in the head

Tail Structure (DP: 1/1; HP: 1/2) Tail Hits
1D Hit Location
1 EMS Passive
2 EMS Passive
3 EMS Active
4 EMS Active
5 Power Interface
6 Power Interface
Only part of each item exists in the tail

Locomotion Structure
(DP: 2/2; HP: 4/6)
Power Structure
(DP: 3/4; HP: 6/13)
Internal Arm Structure
(DP: 1/1; HP: 1/2)

Equipment Damage Tables
2D Large Equipment Minor Equipment 1D Sensor Group A 1D Sensor Group B
2 Odor Emitter Radio 1-3 Passive EMS (1-3)
Active EMS (4-6)
1-2 NAS Sensor
3 Medical Instruments Voder (1-3)
Pass Aud (4-6)
4-6 Densitometer 3-4 Magnetic Sensor
4 Sensor Group A Holorecorder 5-6 Emergency Beacon
5 Environment Sensor Laser Powerpack
6 Laser Pistol Holorecorder
7 Medical Instruments Flat Video
8 Minor Equipment Program Interface
9 Neutrino Sensor Map Box
10 Sensor Group B Voder
11 Sniffer Bioscanner Flat Video
12 Sniffer Bioscanner Inertial Navigator

3. Effect of Hits
Locomotion: Apply damage to Locomotion. When reduced to ½ inoperative level, speed drops by ½.
Power Apply damage to Power. When reduced to ½ inoperative level, speed drops by ½.
Equipment: Roll on table for specific item.
Minor damage means the item may still function.
Major damage means the item has been destroyed.
Brain: Robot ceases to function. Major damage means that some modules have been destroyed (depends on what modules have been loaded).
Chassis: No further damage occurs beyond the initial hits.
Cargo: If Low Penetration, treat as Chassis.
If High Penetration, cargo has been destroyed.
If cargo is explosive, roll TL or less on 3D to avoid a catastrophic (Destroyed) explosion.
Depending on the explosive used, parts of the robot may be salvagable.

B. Scanning Tasks

Active Object Scan
Uses active EMS to locate and classify objects. However, gives your position away to the enemy.
Range: 5 km.
To perform an Active Object Scan:
Difficulty Level, Sensor Ops, EDU, 1 sec (uncertain)
REFEREE: Formidable (500m - 5 km), Difficult (250 - 500 m), Routine (0 - 250 m). If time is critical, remember that acceleration measurement takes 5 times as long as the scan.

Active Object Pinpoint
Tight-beam use of the active EMS array. Only gives away your position to the scanned area.
To perform an Active Object Pinpoint:
Same UTP as above.

Passive Object Scan
Uses densitometer to measure and classify objects. Note that device can penetrate to a depth of 10 m, and is grav-shielded (ie it can be used while K-9 is in flight).
Range: 10 km.
To perform a Passive Object Scan:
Routine, Sensor Ops, EDU, 10 sec (uncertain)
REFEREE: If a grav field is in the scanned area, Formidable. If through superdense, Difficult.

Passive Object Pinpoint
Uses densitometer to provide an interior map of the scanned object. Device can penetrate to a depth of 10 m.
Range: 10 km.
To perform a Passive Object Pinpoint:
Same UTP as above, but is now Difficult (and other levels rise accordingly).

Passive Energy Scan
Uses passive EMS and neutrino sensors to locate and classify energy emissions. Can read size and magnitude of power-plant.
Range: 50 km.
To perform a Passive Energy Scan:
Difficulty Level, Sensor Ops, EDU, 2 sec (uncertain)
REFEREE: Formidable (5 - 50 km), Difficult (250 m - 5 km), Routine (0 - 250 m)

Passive Energy Pinpoint
Uses neutrino sensor to classify nuclear-based energy emissions. Pinpoints the exact energy level of the power-plant. Requires two readings to enable triangulation. If either the sensor or source is moving at 40 kph +, this is automatic.
Range: 50 km.
To perform a Passive Energy Pinpoint:
Formidable, Sensor Ops, EDU, 2 sec (uncertain)

C. Equipment

EMS Passive Array
Combines laser sensor, radar direction finder, radiation sensor, passive IR, light amplification, and image enhancement into one integrated and optimised array. Allows K-9 to "see".
May be used in conjunction with neutrino sensor to conduct a Passive Energy Scan. Range: 5 km.
EMS Active Array
Combines radar, all-weather radar, ladar, radar jammer, radio jammer, active IR, and image enhancement into one integrated and optimised array.
May be used to perform an Active Object Scan or an Active Object Pinpoint. Range: 5 km.
Uses an object's natural gravity to measure its density. It processes the data to produce a 3D map of the object. It can also give some idea of the object's weight.
Used to conduct a Passive Object Scan or Passive Object Pinpoint. Penetration: 10 m. Range: 10 km.
Neutrino Sensor
Detects high enery sources, typically nuclear power plants. To pinpoint range, requires two readings. Used to conduct a Passive Energy Scan (in conjunction with an EMS array) and a Passive Energy Pinpoint.
Neural Activity Sensor
Developed from psi shield technology, this enables scans of lifeforms to be made, enabling classification. Range: 500 m.
To perform an NAS area Scan:
Routine, Sensor Ops, EDU, 1 sec (uncertain)
To perform an NAS directional scan:
Routine, Sensor Ops, DEX, 5 sec (uncertain)
REFEREE: - Dense materials interposing between the sensor and the source prevents readings being made
- Relative motion over 40 kph prevents readings being made
- High relative motion below 40 kph will cause "unknown" readings
- Excessive numbers of lifeforms within range will cause a "cluttered" reading
- Excessive varieties of lifeforms within range will cause "cluttered" readings or multiple classes in one reading
- Heavy electromagnetic interference (eg storms, radiation) makes sensor readings Difficult or Formidable
Environment Sensor
A sensor package including temperature, moisture and pressure sensing, plus an atmosphere tester. Range: 5 m.
To perform an environment test:
Simple, Sensor Ops, EDU, 1 sec (uncertain)
Magnetic Sensor
Detects magnetic fields and ferrous metals. Range: 5 km.
To perform a magnetic field scan:
Difficult, Sensor Ops, EDU, 5 sec (uncertain)
"Sniffer" Bioscanner
Performs a chemical analysis of the area, searching for a compound (as small as 1 part in 10 million). Two modes exist; mass atmosphere sampling, and minute sampling. Range: 5 m.
Cartridges must be replaced with each use (TL 15, Cr 75, negligible weight).
eg. To obtain a positive DNA match:
Formidable, Forensic, EDU, 5 min (uncertain, non-repeatable)
Passive Audio, extra sensitivity
Allows K-9 to hear in stereo.
eg. To hear a pin drop from 10 m:
Difficult, INT, instant.
Radio, TL 15, 500 km
Regional range radio transceiver.
Emergency Beacon, 500 km
Self-powered combination communicator/transponder. Activated by power failure, or by K-9. Monitors common search-and-rescue bands (one at a time). When a signal is picked up, it emits a warning tone for the users, and transmits a taped, auto-repeat distress call on that channel.
Alternatively, transmits a signal for owner to locate K-9 with.
Allows K-9 to speak.
Speaker, acoustical
Allows K-9 to reproduce simple sounds and music.
Microspotlight, visual spectrum
Equivalent of a pen torch. Range: 10 m.
Odor Emitter
Allows K-9 to emit specific odors, either pleasant or unpleasant. Range: 5 m.
Inertial Navigator
Allows K-9 to backtrack its path by "remembering" movements and turns. Works from the point it is switched on. A simple math function allows K-9 to determine the straight line distance and direction to the starting point.
Holorecorder, TL 15
Records 3D images for later playback. Uses masers (microwave lasers) to detect objects. Not affected by smoke or anti-laser aerosols, although the image will not be coloured accurately. Covers a 180 degree area in front of the masers (in the head).
Playback in 2D can occur, but full 3D playback requires K-9 to plug into a TL 13+ holodisplay. Holds up to 6 holocrystals, with 5 hrs capacity each (1 hr at TL 13-14).
Hand computer holocrystals may be read by the unit (TL 15, Cr 50, negligible weight, 200 million word capacity).
Flat Video Display
A flat screen that displays 2D images. Allows display of video playbacks, computer graphics, maps, library data, etc. Covered by an armored sliding panel when not in use.
Map Box
Display system for computerised world maps. A map crystal will provide a complete world map. Scale may be adjusted. If crystals are not available, two orbital sweeps of the world will obtain the necessary data to construct a crystal.
When combined with a holographic playback unit, a 3D map may be displayed (TL 13, Cr 50 (blank), Cr 150 (prepared), negligible weight).
Power Interface
Standard interface to allow recharging of batteries and/or and external power supply.
Brain Interface
Standard interface to allow connection with other robots or computers. At worlds with radio-linked computer networks (usually TL 11+) K-9 can link in by radio, upon payment of a minimal subscription fee.
REFEREE: For availability, roll 2D equal to or less than the world population level, DM -1 per TL over 10.
Information such as Library Data may be accessed. However, while the radio link is in use, K-9 can be tracked. This information is held by the central library data service, and is not normally accessable to outsiders. Electronic mail is the usual contact method for subscribers.
Program Interface
Allows the owner to change program modules as required. K-9 has 12 removable modules (see K-9 Programming).
Medical Instruments Package
Equivalent to a medical kit. Instruments are located at the front of K-9, which allows the light retractable arm to assist. Kit contains drugs, surgical supplies, and diagnostic materials sufficient to treat both minor and serious wounds. Can be used for treatment of animal injuries, radiation burns, chemical burns, poisoning and drug overdoses.
Electronic Circuit Protection
Protects K-9's circuits by using heavier circuit components, backup components, and shielding of critical circuits.
Laser Pistol, TL 13
As per standard laser pistol. May be used for target designation; smoke and anti-laser aerosols are transparent to it for spotting purposes. Must state which missiles follow which laser. Laser sensors on the target can roll to spot K-9; if successful, K-9's location becomes known.
Number of missiles guided by the laser is unlimited. Laser guided missiles always hit unless shot down by point defence or if the guiding laser is destroyed or obscured.
Weapon Ammo
Rnds Ranges for Penetration Dmg Tgts Danger
Signature Recoil Diff As
Effect Long Extreme
Laser Pistol-13 - 50 100(6) 200(3) 1000(1) 3 1 - Low Low Handgun
Launching Rails and Missiles
Two launch rails can be clipped onto K-9, one per side; the clips are designed so that they can only be attached one way (missiles pointing forward).
K-9 can initiate missile launches. For guidance rules, see the Laser Pistol description above (missiles cannot hit anything beyond the laser's maximum range). Danger space is mainly for Striker use; for MegaTraveller use the rules for Group Hits.
Item Component Volume Weight Type Price TL Pen Dmg Danger
Missile Warhead 0.9 l 0.9 kg HE Cr 60 14 18 6 20m
KEAP Cr 60 15 33 8
HEAP Cr 90 15 42 8
Guidance: target designated 1.0 l 1.0 kg Cr 200
Propellant: 1 km range 1.9 l 1.9 kg Cr 1.9
Launch Rails Reusable 3.8 l 3.8 kg Cr 190

D. K-9 Programming

1. General
Programs give K-9 its intelligence and abilities. There are three types; fundamental logic, fundamental command, and applications.
Fundamental Logic Program: High Autonomous.
Always in memory.
All data taken in by its sensors is remembered.
Data can be used to learn and gain "experience" (K-9 can improve its skill levels on its own).
Can take independent action without direct commands.
Commands can be vague and K-9 can still "figure out what you meant"; able to understand most inferences.
Can analyse data and arrive at conclusions. However, is not truly creative...yet!
Fundamental Command Program: Full Command.
Always in memory.
K-9 can interpret all natural language commands without restriction.
Poor enunciation and foreign accents are rarely a problem.
Applications Programs
Some always in memory, others swap out.
Give K-9 its skills. Most programs are named for their equivalent Traveller skill names.

2. Application Program Descriptions
K-9 can use a camera, beyond just recording what it sees. Level 1 is equal to a "newsreel" skill level.
K-9 understands the composition, structure, properties and reactions of elements and compounds, and can analyse inanimate matter.
To analyse a chemical compound for trace elements:
Routine, Chemistry, EDU, 1 hour.
REFEREE: requires access to the proper equipment.
Close Combat
Equivalent of Brawling, using K-9's mass and strength.
K-9 can use, repair and maintain communications devices.
To establish a communications link:
Simple, Communications, INT, 3 min.
To listen in on a communications link:
Difficult, Communications, INT, 3 min.
REFEREE: a mishap means the listener has been detected.
Computer (Serves As Robot Ops minus 1)
K-9 can operate itself and other computers effectively.
K-9 can handle and emplace explosives.
K-9 can use and repair electronic devices.
K-9 can operate and maintain starship drives and power plants.
K-9 can gather and interpret evidence at the scene of a crime or accident. Can use the "Sniffer" to assist.
K-9 can use and repair gravitic devices.
Grav Vehicle
Compulsory program. Allows K-9 to fly with safety.
K-9 can track and hunt animals by combining its sensors with this skill. Enhances the chance of surprising animals and of surviving encounters with dangerous animals.
K-9 Maintenance
Combines specific portions of electronics, robotics, gravitics, and mechanical skill and applies it to self-maintenance.
Laser Pistol
K-9 can use its laser pistol.
K-9 can use and repair mechanical devices.
Medical (Serves As Xeno-Medicine with difficulty level raised by one)
K-9 can use its Medical Tools package and heal people.
Medic-1 is equal to a medic. Medic-3 is doctor level; DEX 8+ allows K-9 to be a surgeon.
To diagnose an injury:
Routine, Medical, INT, 2 min (uncertain)
REFEREE: assumes external injuries. Time is doubled for internal injuries. If Some Truth, roll 2D on Mishap Table; on a Major mishap, apply 1D extra damage.

To treat an injury:
Difficulty Level, Medical, INT, 10 min
REFEREE: - Superficial damage; Simple
- Minor damage; Routine
- Major damage (requires a surgeon); Difficult
- Destroyed damage (requires a surgeon); Formidable
- No medical kit raises difficulty by one level
- Treatment in the field raises difficulty by one level
- Superficial/Minor mishap; apply the damage directly
- Major/Destroyed; reroll 2D on the Mishap table for permanent damage
Naval Architect
K-9 can design starships and small craft. Also provides a bonus for interpreting densitometer scans of ship interiors.
Navigation (Serves As Sensor Ops minus 1)
K-9 can plot a starship's course.
K-9 understands the science of matter and energy.
Prompts K-9 to rescue its owner (and any others the owner programs in) if its owner is injured. Order of preference is owner first, and until he is safe, K-9 will not rescue any others. Includes rendering medical assistance.
Robot Ops (from Robotics)
K-9 can oversee and instruct other robots.
Robotics (Serves As: Robot Ops, Computer minus 1)
K-9 can design, build, and repair high-tech robots. Also serves as Electronics minus 1, Gravitics minus 1, and Mechanical minus 1 when applied to robots.
Tac Missile
K-9 can target, launch, and reload its missiles (when equipped).
Trap Detection
A specific application of Stealth skill, allowing K-9 to detect most mechanical and electronic traps by use of its sensors. Does not allow traps to be disarmed! Range: 5 m.
To detect a trap:
Difficult, OFF=Sensor Ops, Trap Detection, INT, DEF=TL modifier, 15 sec (uncertain, confrontation)
REFEREE: TL 7-, -1; TL 8-12, 0; TL 13-14, +1; TL 15, +2.

3. Programs and Education Increases
K-9 can only have as many skills as the sum of its INT and EDU, just like any other character. This means it cannot access all of its plug-in modules at once; they cannot be plugged in until K-9's experience increases or the robot will suffer a sensory overload.

K-9 can increase the number of skills it has, by increasing its EDU over a period of time. This increase represents K-9 "learning" how to use its brain and programs.

To increase EDU:
Difficult, INT, 3 days (safe).

K-9 can also use the same method as characters to increase its skill levels, even past Level 4 (maximum programmable level). It must have room to do so, and a blank module of the right size.

To increase a skill level:
Formidable, Skill, AT, INT (safe).
REFEREE: ATs accumulate if K-9 suceeds at a task. If this task is failed, ATs are not lost. AT must be at least 1. May accumulate up to 2 ATs per year.
Note that K-9 could also observe or be trained in a skill (as per characters), but it is quicker just to insert the appropriate module.
4. Permanent Programs
The following programs are always available (17 skill levels):
* Cinematography-1 * Hunting-1
Close Combat-1 * K-9 Maintenance-2
* Communications-2 * Laser Pistol-2
* Computer-2 (s.a. Robot Ops - 1) * Medical-1
Demolitions-1 * Navigation-1 (s.a. Sensor Ops - 1)
Grav Vehicle-2 * Rescue-1
* indicates skill level may be upgraded with plug-in modules

5. Plug-in Program Modules
K-9 has space for 12 plug-in modules. The following list shows the optional modules that may be used, plus their space requirements.

Note that a higher skill level requires its module, plus all lower ones (eg. Laser Pistol-4 needs the Laser Pistol-3 module as well).

Selection Program Space Selection Program Space
OOOO Chemistry-1 4 O Mechanical-1 1
OO Cinematography-2 2 O Mechanical-2 1
OO Communications-3 2 OO Medical-2 2
OO Computer-3 2 OO Medical-3 2
OO Computer-4 2 OO Medical-4 2
O Electronics-1 1 OO Naval Architect-1 2
O Electronics-2 1 O Naval Architect-2 1
OO Engineering-1 2 O Navigation-2 1
OO Forensic-1 2 OOOO Physics-1 4
OO Gravitics-1 2 OOOO Rescue-2 4
OO Hunting-2 2 OO Robotics-1 2
O K-9 Maintenance-3 1 OO Robotics-2 2
O K-9 Maintenance-4 1 O Tac Missile-1 1
O Laser Pistol-3 1 O Tac Missile-2 1
O Laser Pistol-4 1 OO Trap Detection-1 2
MODULES USED: Current Maximum Skill Level = _____ OOOO OOOO OOOO

Record which modules are in use by shading in their spaces. Shade in the same number of spaces under "MODULES USED" to keep track of available module slots. Current Max = INT + EDU - 17 (17 spaces are taken permanently).

E. K-9 Power Usage

Although it appears that duration is limited, in reality not all the equipment is switched on at once. This extends the life of the batteries. The basic equipment shown at the top is on all the time.
Item Energy Usage
per hour per 10 minutes
Basic Equipment
(permanently on)
All appendages
EMS Passive Array
Passive Audio
Radio, 500 km
Speaker, acoustical
25 4
Light Grav Unit 4 1/2
EMS Active Array 12 2
Densitometer 1 1/6
Neutrino Sensor 6 1
Neural Activity Sensor 7 1
Environ Sensor 4 1/2
Magnetic Sensor 1 1/6
"Sniffer" Bioscanner 12 2
Microspotlight - negligible -
Odor Emitter 2 1/3
Inertial Navigator - negligible -
Holorecorder 6 1
Flat Video Display 6 1
Map Box 2 1/3
Power Interface 1 1/6
Brain Interface 1 1/6
Program Interface 1 1/6
Medical Instruments 2 1/3
Laser Pistol - separate power pack -
Emergency Beacon - separate power pack -

Power Units Available (200 units total):

Cross off power each time an item is used. The two time periods are shown for convenience.

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