trendi Storch, TL 15 1000-ton Cargo Hauler (Striker)

Last Updated 8 September 1999.


The Storch has a crew of 1 (driver/crane operator) with no passengers. It mounts no weapons, designed purely to carry cargo. The Storch can carry over 1000 metric tons in weight.


Dimensions: Height: 6 m     Width: 10 m     Length: 20 m     (approx. 89 disp. tons)
Movement: Max 180kmh/150cm, Cruise 135kmh/112cm, NOE 45kmh/37cm (loaded)
Max 6000kmh+/5000cm+, Cruise 4500kmh/3750cm, NOE 190kmh/158cm (unloaded)
(In reality, safety governor prevents speeds above 400kmh)
Armour: All faces, 4
Tgt Size DMs: Low +18, High +0
Equipment: 100-power radio, Headlights x 2, Crane & searchlight
Power: 252 MW fusion power plant consumes 378 litres per hour (on full), enough for 12 hours at max (4536 l). Grav generators produce 1500 tons of thrust, being 1.19G loaded (14.18G empty).
Cargo: Max weight 1145 tons, max volume 84 displacement tons.

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