in conjunction with Dave and Steve, present the

ETC magazine index (Available only with IE 11 )

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Choose how you want to search the ETC articles, then type in your selection criteria.

Search by: & ETC No

Search notes:

Article author and Book author searches: type in the author's surname only.

ETC Vol and Number search: Enter the volume No e.g. 1 - (latest ETC) and select a number.

ETC year search: Enter the year as a four digit number in the range 1942 - this year.

Keyword search: Enter one or more keywords to search on. You can use quotes if you want a space included in the search text like "General Semantics".  The search looks for titles with one keyword AND another, etc.

Title search: Enter all or part of the article title you want.

Note: On all text searches you must enter at least 3 characters or keystrokes.  This can include a space.

Number of hits: