Extracts and Comments (from Sources as shown) | | Murray: KIMPTON, died of enteric Pretoria 28.12.1901. HAGSOC: Memorial Pretoria. B5204: farmer born 1881 in Moruya NSW. URL2: KEMPTON RJ on grave marker. URL3: Supernumeraries. H BERRIMAN, HE EASTCOTT, J GARTLAN, J HIBBERD, A HUXLEY, FHA MANGLESDORF, C MABERLEY, JA PORTER, AE STRAUSS, SJ TURVEY, B WESTWOOD, GH CLARK, AR EDWARDS, RJ GLOVER, HF HADFIELD, R KIMPTON, RD MCINTYRE, S ROLLESTON, W TURNER, R TURVEY, W WALTER, E WHYBURN, S CAINS, W FAULKNER, FW GOSPER, EJ HOGAN, WC KRUST, P MCNAMARA, W O'NEILL, EH SULLIVAN, H TARLINGTON, J WICKHAM & E WELLS. URL5: A cable from Capetown [c1.1902] reports the deaths of JVS DOWNES, Norman MCCAULEY and Reuben KIMPTON, all belonging to the NSW troops. URL6: The following is a copy of a telegraphic despatch from the Chief Casualty Officer, Capetown — 'January 3, 1902. Death from dysentery at Pretoria on December 27, Third New South Wales Mounted Rifles, No. 3711, JVS DOWNES. Death from enteric fever at Heilbron on December 27, Third New South Wales Mounted Rifles, No. 3652, Norman MCCAULEY. Dangerously ill, December 27, at Standerton, Third New South Wales Mounted Infantry, No. 110, Robert Anthony NOSSITER. At Middleburg, Transvaal, Third New South Wales Bushmen's Contingent, No. 2492, Oswald Hunter COOPER, Second New South Wales Mounted Rifles, No. 1015, Harry TURNER, No. 930, Farrier-Sergeant Albert William DISLEY. On December 26, at Standerton Third New South Wales Mounted Infantry, No. 664, David Ross CRICHTON, all of enteric fever. Dangerously ill, December 28, Third New South Wales Bushmen's Contingent, No. 2549, Sergeant TJ HICKS, of enteric fever. December 29, at Heilbron, Third New South Wales Mounted Infantry, No. 3469, Sergeant-Major GHJ CLARKE, pneumonia. December 30, at Pretoria, Second New South Wales Mounted Infantry, No. 7, LR HOPKINSON, of enteric fever, at Norvalspont, Third New South Wales Mounted Infantry, No. 2731, L GARRITH, of enteric fever. Death from enteric fever at Pretoria, December 28, Second New South Wales Bushmen's Contingent, No. 3436, Reuben KIMPTON.'