Australians in the Boer War
Oz-Boer Database Project

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Full Record

Hint: This site is intended as a search aid - not a definitive source. It is essentially an index to documents that seem to relate to this person plus a very brief precis of relevant elements. Sources often conflict and I also flag things with a ? when I am unsure. So if the information below is important to you, then please check the original sources to see what else they contain (and in case I have inadvertantly introduced transcription and/or precising errors). There can be additional information that was not included in the database for both space and copyright reasons.


Given Name(s) or Initial(s) Harry Beauchamp
Regimental Number
RankLieutenant Colonel
Unit Name 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles
Extracts and Comments
(from Sources as shown)

Murray: Nile Expedition 1884-85 medal and clasp plus Khedive's Star, Mentioned in Despatches London Gazette 29.7.1902, Commander of the Bath 31.10.1902, Queen's South Africa medal and 5 clasps.
Wilcox: ?'Aurania'.
Dunn&B : letters to bereaved parents.
B5204: a gentleman born in Sydney NSW wife Elizabeth Anne in Double Bay NSW, Queen's South Africa Medal (SA01 & SA02).
URL1: born 1860 in Edgecliff, educated at Cheltenham, Eton and Sandhurst, 2Lt. 38th Regiment 1880, Lieut. 80th Regiment 1881, Nile Expedition 1884, promoted Captain in 1887 he returned to NSW in 1888 as Major and raised the Mounted Rifle Brigade. Promoted Lieutenant-Colonel in 1895 he led a detachment to England for Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee and was OC NSWMR in the Boer War. In 1915 he returned to Eng. to command a Territorial Brigade as Brigadier-General and became CMG in 1917. He returned to Sydney in 1924, died in 1926 and was buried in South Head Cemetery NSW.
URL2: details associated award of Commander of the Bath.
URL3: General HB LASSETTER. On Monday week General HB LASSETTER CB CMG celebrated the 44th anniversary of his gazettal to a commission in the British Army. A born soldier, when he returned to Australia after British military service he did splendid work organising Australian mounted troops, and he commanded a battalion of the NSW Light Horse when the Boer War broke out. Colonel LASSETTER, as he then was, offered his services among the first of the local officers of high rank, and led a contingent in South Africa with distinguished success, his previous experience in Egypt serving him well. A rigid disciplinarian, he was exceedingly popular with the men, who regarded him as a leader who was as just as he was fearless, and who, if he did not always call a spade an agricultural instrument, never expected those under his command to do what he would not do himself. In the recent world-War General LASSETTER won additional military honours. The great business with which General LASSETTER is connected owes much to his organising genius and to his insistence on efficiency. The General is said to know, every department personally, and every man, woman and youngster on the pay-roll. In private life General LASSETTER is kindly and tolerant, and cherishes the memory of a brother who was a convert to Catholicism and became a distinguished member of the Jesuit Order.
Source:# 1353 FO LASSETTER is a brother of HB LASSETTER.
URL4: The following private cable was received yesterday [17.7.1901] from Lieutenant-Colonel HB LASSETTER commanding the New South Wales Bushmen now on active service in South Africa: — 'Arrived Zeerust, all well, expect to reach Klerksdorp on 19.7.1901.'
URL5: Colonel HB LASSETTER and William Ashley PEAKE, secretary for Lassetter and Co., Ltd., gave evidence [to the Pay Royal Commission 16.6.1905] with regard to the arrangements made by Lieutenant-Colonel ANTILL, by which the firm was to collect the Colonel's colonial pay during his absence at the front.
URL6: Investiture of Military Officers. His Excellency the Governor-General of Commonwealth, Lord Tennyson, invested the following gentlemen, amongst others on Saturday night [18.4.1903] at government House, Sydney. The gathering was a brilliant and distinguished one. Lieutenant-Colonel HB LASSETTER, who was created a CB on November 1 last in recognition of his services in the Boer war, commanded the 2nd New South Wales Mounted Rifles in South Africa. His regiment, which formed part of Colonel WILLIAMS' column, from 1.5.1901 to 4.1902, trekked 4000 miles, travelling from Bechuanaland to Swaziland, and was continually engaged engaged in heavy night marches. Lieutenant-Colnnel LASSETTER through his association with his regiment never missed a march or an engagement, On June 23, 1902, he was mentioned in despatches by Lord Kitchener. For many years he was prominently identified with the Mounted Rifles here, but was placed on the reserve of officers in 1893. Lieutenant-Colonel LASSETTER was also a member of the Soudan contingent of 1884, and possesses the Nile medal. His public and business career in the city is too well known to need recapitulation.
URL7: CORONATION HONOURS, INVESTITURE AT GOVERNMENT HOUSE. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF RECIPIENTS. The investiture of Coronation honours by the Governor-General will take place at Government House to-night [18.4.1903]. This will be the first occasion on which a ceremony of this kind has taken place in Sydney, though not the first time in Australia. The Prince of Wales held a similar ceremony in Melbourne during his visit to Australia in connection with the opening of the Federal Parliament. The Investiture on this occasion will be of an official character. Only those who have the right of entry to Government House and near relatives of the recipients are invited to be present. Brief biographical sketches of those to be invested are given below. ... Lieutenant-Colonel HB LASSETTER, who was created a CB on November 1 last in recognition of his services in the Boer war, commanded the 2nd. New South Wales Mounted Rifles in South Africa.
URL10: Colonel LASSETTER was very much in evidence on the wharf, directing the landing [from the Aurania in Sydney 3.6.1902]; while Captain HOLMAN was particularly careful that every order was carried out to the letter.
URL10: LIEUT-COLONEL LASSETTER'S RETURN. ENTERTAINED BY HIS EMPLOYEES. 'You have made me feel that I am really home at last.' These were the words of Lieutenant-Colonel LASSETTER to three hundred or more of the employees of Messrs. F Lassetter and Co., who on Saturday evening [c6.1902] made the walls of the Queen Victoria Hall resound with he cheers with which they greeted the returned soldier and their chief. It was a remarkable demonstration.
Evg. News: The returned officers, sergeant-majors, and sergeants of the 2nd NSW Mounted Rifles, were entertained at a harbor picnic yesterday [6.6.1902] by Colonel LASSETTER (OC 2nd NSW Mounted Rifles). The following were present - Colonel LASSETTER, Major C LYDIARD, Major AA MCLEAN, Major ANTILL, Captains HOLLMAN and MCINTOSH and Lieutenants MURRAY, TEDDER. CT GRIFFITHS, OK GRIFFITHS, DJ STEWART, L MOLLOY (transport officer), C EADIE, COYLE, BREEZE. Regimental Staff - Warrant-Officer WASSON (R.S.M.), Sergeant-Major SCANLON, Quartermaster-Sergeant CLAYTON. 'A' Squadron - Quartermaster-Sergeant JONES, Sergeants COTTERELL, WATSON, WALKER, Farrier Sergeant YOUNG. 'B' Squadron - Squadron Sergeant-Major MONRO, Quartermaster-Sergeant STEVENSON, Sergeants GRIFFITH, Bert WHITE, COOK, MATTERSON. 'C' Squadron - Squadron Sergeant Major SUTHERLAND, Quartermaster-Sergeant WITT, Sergeants LEAR, CHARLTON, Farrier-Sergeant C CROWELL. 'D' squadron - Squadron Sergeant Major WEBSTER, Sergeants HAMILTON, GEORGE, MILLER, HOYLE. 'E' Squadron - Squadron Sergeant-Major DIGBY, Quartermaster-Sergeant STEVENS, Sergeants WILKINS, C ARTHUR, JOHNSON and GLENFIELD. Army Medical Corps - Sergeant RAY. After a trip up the river as far as Drummoyne, the launch returned to Circular Quay, where it picked up Mr. SEE, and then proceeded to Pearl Bay. ...
Source References
Murray: Official Records of the Australian Contingents etc. page(s) 109 110
Wilcox: National Archives Search Guide - The Boer War page(s) 58
Dunn&B : Boys in Green: Centenary History of 1st Australian Horse page(s) 29
B5204: National Archives of Australia series B5204
Who's Who in Aust.: Who's Who in Australia year(s) 1927
Syd. Herald : Sydney Morning Herald newspaper date(s) 4.11.1902 & 19.6.1905
Source:# Oz-Boer contributed source number 1352
Carv.Veldt2: Carvings from the Veldt Part 2 by Dave George page(s) 291
Freeman'sJ: Freeman's Journal (Sydney NSW) date(s) 14.6.1902 & 24.1.1924
Source:# Oz-Boer contributed source number 1353
Evg. News: Evening News (Sydney NSW) date(s) 18.7.1901 & 7.6.1902
Camden N.: Camden News newspaper date(s) 23.4.1903
CR Advocate: Clarence River Advocate newspaper date(s) 7.11.1902 SCros: 15.8.1902
Town&Country: Aust. Town and Country journal date(s) 7.6.1902
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Please email me if you can contribute any other relevant information about this person (eg any other military service, where in Australia they came from or when/where they died). Also, if you find an external link broken.

Apology: For some time now it has been difficult to keep up with the newly available sources (especially the Trove newspaper site) plus the flow of contributions and queries. So I have been forced to prioritise maintenance and data entry over replying to correspondence. Nevertheless, your contributions are being added to the database and acknowledged on the contributions page and, although my replies are many months behind, I will attempt to get to them more often.
Colin Roe

The Oz-Boer Database is copyright and may not be used for any commercial purpose.