Extracts and Comments (from Sources as shown) | | B5172: next of kin in East Brisbane Qld. URL2: THE FIFTH CONTINGENT. That Ipswich is proud of her sons who have championed the Empire's cause in South Africa was once more exemplified yesterday [10.5.1902] on the occasion of 'the citizens' welcome home to the Ipswich members of the Fifth Contingent, Captain GEHRMANN, Lieutenants HH BENJAMIN and J LOYNES, Sergeant TH ARMSTRONG, Corporals W POTTS and D LILLEY, and Troopers MCILWAINE, LANFER, LUCAS, Owen CAMPBELL, BARKER, MCCABE, and MAHER. An Influential committee, with the Mayor (Alderman HEINER) at the head had been formed, and their appeal to the public met with a ready response. Yesterday afternoon [10.5.1902] at 4 o'clock the committee and a goodly concourse of citizens attended at the railway station to receive the guests of the day. Here were in waiting the local corps of the QMI and QDF, under the command of Major CAH WATSON, together with the town band, led by Mr. CJ HEGARTY. The appearance of the officers and men as they reached the doors of the station was the signal for an outburst of cheering, amidst which they were conducted to drags kindly lent by Messrs. Elias HARDING and HS CRIBB. A procession, headed by the band was then formed, and traversed the principal streets to the Town Hall, where the Mayor formally congratulated the home comers on their return and thanked them for their services. Subsequently, in the council chambers, refreshments were served. At 7.30 pm Captain GEHRMANN and his officers and men were entertained to dinner in the Town Hall, the Mayor presiding, and being supported by Mr. JW BLAIR MLA, Major WT DEACON CB, Major CAH WATSON, commanding the local Defence Force, Captains CARDEW QMI and MCLEOD QDF, Lieutenants C GIBBON, A GIBBON, AG DE SILVA, B ROBINSON, and Lieutenant HUNTER, of the Fifth Contingent, also the Rev. Dr. PRITCHARD, rector of St. Paul's, Mr. HT MACFARLANE PM, Aldermen Dr. MCDONALD and H REILLY, Messrs. AJ STEPHENSON, HT HOOPER, Dr. PHILLIPS, THORNTON, R MCGILL, AF WHITEHILL, D ARMSTRONG, W STAFFORD, HL JONES, TW HARDY, EJ SMITH, Mr. MCDERMOTT (president Ipswich Rifle Club), FA BRYANT, W BRYAN, H SHAPCOTT, W RYOTT-MAUGHAN, JM PARLANE, FA ALLEN, Sub-inspector NETHERCOTE and many others. The Town Hall was well filled, and an excellent repast was served by Mr. F WHITEHOUSE. After dinner, and after the usual loyal toasts had been duly honoured, the toast of the evening, "Our Guests", was proposed by the Mayor and Major DEACON, and received most enthusiastically, both speakers heartily congratulating the returned soldiers on their achievements at the seat of war. Captain GEHRMANN, who was cheered to the echo, thanked the proposer and seconder of the toast and the citizens generally for their kindly welcome. He claimed no honour for himself, but attributed the success of the "possum skins" to the zeal and good discipline of his men, and said they were all willing, if required, to again do service on behalf of the Empire. Lieutenants BENJAMIN, LOYNES and HUNTER also responded. ...