Australians in the Boer War
Oz-Boer Database Project

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Full Record

Hint: This site is intended as a search aid - not a definitive source. It is essentially an index to documents that seem to relate to this person plus a very brief precis of relevant elements. Sources often conflict and I also flag things with a ? when I am unsure. So if the information below is important to you, then please check the original sources to see what else they contain (and in case I have inadvertantly introduced transcription and/or precising errors). There can be additional information that was not included in the database for both space and copyright reasons.


Surname RAWSON
Given Name(s) or Initial(s) Marianne
Regimental Number
RankNursing Sister
Unit Name Victorian Nurses
Extracts and Comments
(from Sources as shown)

Murray: Sr. RAWSON (in charge) awarded Royal Red Cross.
Wallace1: Nursing Superintendent.
Bassett: per 'Eurylus' with 3VB 10.3.1900.
Gray: 11GH Kimberley.
B5179: next of kin in Avenal Vic.
B4418: 1971 correspondence from a relative in Prahran Vic.
URL4: report 24.5.1901 to PMO Melbourne, remaining in charge of Hillside Camp Hospital Bulawayo Rhodesia.
Source:# 1243 RAWSON Marianne single next of kin sister, Mrs SWAN, at Avonel Vic.
URL5: Aust. Boer War Memorial database record.
URL6: The Victorian nurses entitled to the gratuity of £37/10/ voted by the War Office for nurses for services rendered in South Africa are Sister M RAWSON, D TIDDY, FE HINES, JB ANDERSON AEH THOMSON and I IVEY.
URL7: MAYORAL AT-HOME. The mayor and Mrs. Norbert KEENAN held an at-home in the Miners' Institute in the afternoon [8.9.1903]. The function was carried out on an elaborate scale. The hall was beautifully decorated by Mrs. HEWSON, of the Athenaeum Cafe, who, besides providing the afternoon tea, supplied the bouquets which were presented to Lady and Miss BEDFORD and the mayoress. Before being introduced to the com pany his Excellency performed a duty which plainly appealed to his military heart - that of presenting the royal red nursing cross to Mrs. O'FERRALL, better known to old Kalgoorlieites as Sister RAWSON; one of Mrs. MECHAM's nursing staff during the early days, when, fever was rife in Kalgoorlie. The vice-regal party mounted the stage, and Mrs. O'FERRALL, who was attired in her nursing habit, was introduced to them by the mayor and Mrs. KEENAN. His Excellency, addressing those present, said the duty he had to perform was one that gave him the greatest pleasure. Her late Majesty Queen Victoria, realising the great work done by the devoted women who followed their country's soldiers to battle on land or sea, had instituted a spacial order - the Royal Red Cross - and it was his pleasing duty to present that distinguished emblem of merit to Mrs. O'FERRALL, for services rendered during the late war in South Africa. They all knew what deeds of mercy trained nurses performed daily even in times of peace, but in war the arduous nature of the task before them could hardly be appreciated by those who had not some experience of it. The strain upon them during a campaign was awful, and they had to work under most adverse conditions, so the recognition which her late Majesty had seen fit to bestow on such of them as earned special distinction on the field was well merited. His Excellency then pinned the cross on Mrs. O'FERRALL's breast, and congratulated her on the distinction she had so nobly won. Lady BEDFORD and Mrs KEENAN also congratulated Mrs. O'FERRALL on her safe return, from South Africa and on the great honor just bestowed upon her. The company also applauded her most enthusiastically as she descended the steps of the stage to resume her seat. The introductions to the vice-regal party were then proceeded with and continued till all in the hall had been presented to his Excellency. This following were those who attended:- ... [more names than the article so far]. When all had been presented the company broke up into little groups. Afternoon tea, provided by Mrs. HEWESON, was served by a corps of trained waitresses at little tables ranged round the hall, and a choice programme was rendered by the members of the Hannans Orchestral Society. The function was in every way a pronounced success.
URL9: Among those who reached. the Goldfields by express train from the Coast yesterday [13.2.1902] was, Nursing Sister RAWSON, who wears a war medal, and has had some interesting experiences during the South African campaign. She went out originaly from Melbourne as superintendent of the nurses with the first Victorian contingent, and was at the front for 17 months, following the troops to Beira, Salisbury, and other noted places. Sister RAWSON arrived at Mafeking just after the siege, and was there during the great cyclone which wrecked the hospital.
Hbt. Mercury:
Hbt. Mercury: It was Sir Frederick TREVES, the great surgeon who so successfully operated upon the King, who complained of the "plague of women" in South Africa during the earlier stages of the war. The women now have their revenge. For services in connection with the war twenty-six ladies received decorations - most of them the Royal Red Cross. Thus the women carry off the honours, and Sir Frederick for once made a mistake in his diagnosis.
Source References
Murray: Official Records of the Australian Contingents etc. page(s) 241
Wallace1: The Australians at the Boer War page(s) 233 249
Bassett: Guns and Brooches, Australian Army Nursing from the Boer War to the Gulf War. 10
Gray: S.African War 1899-1902: Service Records of British & Colonial Women page(s)
B5179: National Archives of Australia series B5179 item A
B4418: National Archives of Australia series B4418
Droogleever: That Ragged Mob - 3VB & 4VIB page(s) 74/75, 526
Argus: Melbourne Argus newspaper date(s) 4.7.1901
Source:# Oz-Boer contributed source number 1243:
Bend. Adv.: Bendigo Advertiser newspaper date(s) 1.4.1903
Kalg.WA: Kalgoorlie Western Argus newspaper date(s) 8.9.1903
W. Mail: Western Mail newspaper date(s) 19.9.1903
BoulderES: Eastern Star (Boulder WA) newspaper date(s) 14.3.1902
Hbt. Mercury: Hobart Mercury newspaper date(s) 3.9.1902
Source:# Oz-Boer contributed source number 1602 Darebin's Boer War page 75
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Please email me if you can contribute any other relevant information about this person (eg any other military service, where in Australia they came from or when/where they died). Also, if you find an external link broken.

Apology: For some time now it has been difficult to keep up with the newly available sources (especially the Trove newspaper site) plus the flow of contributions and queries. So I have been forced to prioritise maintenance and data entry over replying to correspondence. Nevertheless, your contributions are being added to the database and acknowledged on the contributions page and, although my replies are many months behind, I will attempt to get to them more often.
Colin Roe

The Oz-Boer Database is copyright and may not be used for any commercial purpose.