Australians in the Boer War
Oz-Boer Database Project

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Full Record

Hint: This site is intended as a search aid - not a definitive source. It is essentially an index to documents that seem to relate to this person plus a very brief precis of relevant elements. Sources often conflict and I also flag things with a ? when I am unsure. So if the information below is important to you, then please check the original sources to see what else they contain (and in case I have inadvertantly introduced transcription and/or precising errors). There can be additional information that was not included in the database for both space and copyright reasons.


Given Name(s) or Initial(s) Henry Robert
Regimental Number 1509
Unit Name 3rd Australian Commonwealth Horse (NSW)
Extracts and Comments
(from Sources as shown)

Murray: initials HR, died 12.8.1902.
B5207: labourer aged 22 from Comrock via Molong NSW.
URL1: Henry R joined 6.2.1902.
B4418: Boer War dossier.
URL2: labourer aged 22 from Comnock via Molong NSW, born in Comnock next of kin father in Comnock.
URL3: from Cumnock near Molong NSW, died of pneumonia at Fort Franklin Hospital Portsea.
URL4: WAR MEMORIAL AT SORRENTO. Photo entitled A WAR MEMORIAL (Tombstone Erected at Sorrento in Memory of Soldiers who Returned in the Drayton Grange and Died at Fort Franklin). A memorial erected to the soldiers who died in Fort Franklin barracks, after returning from South Africa in the steamer Drayton Grange, was unveiled last week by the Rev. E RODDA, in Sorrento cemetery. A large number of spectators were present. A detachment of the VRRAA and the military band, with Lieutenant INNIS in charge, represented the military forces. Lieutenant-Colonel MCCAY, who had been invited to unveil the monument, was unable to attend owing to absence from the State. The inscription on the monument is as follows - 'In memoriam to the returned soldiers from South Africa by the Drayton Grange, who died in Fort Franklin Barracks, Portsea, August, 1902 - A HUMPHRIES, H SHERRINGHAM, J GREEN, EP BARTON, W MACFARLANE. Erected by public subscription. Unveiled 27th April, 1905'.
URL5: Mr J KENNEDY of Molong (says the "Express") has just completed a very handsome memorial stone to the order of the residents of Cumnock, who intend placing the tablet in the Cumnock CofE to perpetuate the memory of the late Trooper HR SHERRINGHAM who lost his life while returning from South African war in the ill-fated Drayton Grange some few months ago. The tablet is of Carrara marble, beautifully polished, of Gothic design.
URL7: RETURNED SOLDIERS. MOLONG, Wednesday [10.9.1902]. The soldiers recently returned from South Africa ware accorded an enthusiastic public reception at Cumnock to-day. At night they were entertained at a banquet, where they were presented with gold medals. The returning soldiers were William HUGHES, S GRIMSON, C MILLER, P NOLAN. Trooper SHERRINGHAM who was also returning by th Drayton Grange, died at Fort Franklin of pneumonia. A sympathetic reference was made to the sad event at the reception of his former comrades.
URL8: CUMNOCK RETURNED SOLDIERS RECEPTION. By the 'Drayton Grange' a few weeks ago the last of the batch of Cumnock's contingent returned from the war. It was immediately decided by the citizens to organise a public reception and also to present each soldier with an inscribed gold medal in recognition of their gallant efforts on behalf of King and country. Those, who went to South Africa and returned last year from Cumnock were similarly honoured on their return ... On the present occasion a public meeting was convened, committees and canvassers appointed (with Mr. WL ROSS Boss at the head of affairs, and the date for the reception fixed for Wednesday, 10th September [1902]. The returning soldiers were Lance-Corporal WM HUGHES, Corporal Chas. GRIMSON and Trooper Geo. SHERRINGHAM. Trooper Harry SHERRINGHAM, as already reported in the Argus, fell a victim to the broncho-pneumonia fiend while returning in the Drayton Grange, and was interred, at Port Franklin Hospital, Melbourne. Naturally the sad event cast a gloom over the reception festivities, and deep and sincere sympathy was expressed for the bereaved relatives - Mr. JG SHERRINGHAM and family. It is intended to place a tablet in the local church to his memory. Trooper George SHERRINGHAM was also unavoidably absent, being detained in Narrandera district.
URL9: question in NSW parliament re late Tpr. HR SHERRINGTON.
Source References
Murray: Official Records of the Australian Contingents etc. page(s) 182 205
B5207: National Archives of Australia series B5207
B4418: National Archives of Australia series B4418
Syd. Herald : Sydney Morning Herald newspaper date(s) 15.8 & 12.9.1902
Melb. Leader: Melbourne Leader newspaper date(s) 13.5.1905 WChamp: 7.11.1902
Molong Exp.: Molong Express & W. District Advertiser newspaper date(s) 1.11.1902
Molong Argus: Molong Argus newspaper date(s) 5 & 12.9.1902
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Please email me if you can contribute any other relevant information about this person (eg any other military service, where in Australia they came from or when/where they died). Also, if you find an external link broken.

Apology: For some time now it has been difficult to keep up with the newly available sources (especially the Trove newspaper site) plus the flow of contributions and queries. So I have been forced to prioritise maintenance and data entry over replying to correspondence. Nevertheless, your contributions are being added to the database and acknowledged on the contributions page and, although my replies are many months behind, I will attempt to get to them more often.
Colin Roe

The Oz-Boer Database is copyright and may not be used for any commercial purpose.