Australians in the Boer War
Oz-Boer Database Project

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Full Record

Hint: This site is intended as a search aid - not a definitive source. It is essentially an index to documents that seem to relate to this person plus a very brief precis of relevant elements. Sources often conflict and I also flag things with a ? when I am unsure. So if the information below is important to you, then please check the original sources to see what else they contain (and in case I have inadvertantly introduced transcription and/or precising errors). There can be additional information that was not included in the database for both space and copyright reasons.


Surname CLARK
Given Name(s) or Initial(s) George Howard
Regimental Number 396
Unit Name 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen
Extracts and Comments
(from Sources as shown)

Murray: died of enteric at Charleston 14.2.1902.
Source:# 22 War Memorial Brisbane.
B5172: next of kin in Blayney NSW.
URL2: CLARKE on memorial in Newcastle Natal Cemetery.
Source:# 1092 Blayney NSW, died.
URL4: Pte. G CLARKE Qld. Imperial Bushmen, on memorial in Newcastle Old Cemetery Natal to those who died in No.1 Stationary Hospital Charlestown.
URL5: FRUS, one of the League men who went to South Africa with the Cycle Corps, has written to Brisbane, giving some of the experiences of the corps, and sending regards to Ted BERRY and all the boys. The letter is written from 'Prior's Siding, Orange River Colony and another letter comes to Mr. DODWELL, of the Massey Harris Company, -from the same place, written by Artificer GH CLARK. The latter tells how the Queensland Cycle Corps has now quite disappeared. The men were sent out over impossible country, according to this letter, until they became sick and weary of the continual slogging, and threw their machines under the waggons and did everything to get rid of them, and so have horses provided. The way the machines stood it is something wonderful, says CLARK, but the men at last succeeded in their designs, and the magnificent cycle corps of which Bennet BURNLEIGH spoke so enthusiastically is no more.
URL6: GH CLARK, whose name is mentioned as having died in South Africa recently was a member of the fifth Queensland Contingent, and will be remembered as competing at the cycling carnivals at Townsville and Charters Towers Christmas Meetings of 1901. He started at Townsville and ran third in the Maiden (3 yards) and 4th in the two mile (170 yds.) At the New Year's meeting here he won from 135 yds. the Federation Handicap from Jacobs, scr., in 2 min. 12 4/5secs. He won his heat in 2 min. 16 secs., and during the day won several other heats. It will be remembered that he was a hot favorite for the two-mile, which was won by CHAPMAN.
URL7: LONDON, February 22 [1902]. Tbe following deaths are recorded from enteric fever in South Africa - Shoeing Smith Albert SPOWART, of the Fifth Victorian Mounteds, Privates Geo. CLARKE, of the Fifth Queensland Bushmen and Wm. PARTRIDGE of the Sixth Queensland Mounteds, at Charlestown.
Source References
Murray: Official Records of the Australian Contingents etc. page(s) 501 541
Source:# Oz-Boer contributed source number 22
B5172: National Archives of Australia series B5172
Source:# Oz-Boer contributed source number 1092
Bne. Courier: Brisbane Courier newspaper date(s) 7.10.1901
NQ Register: North Queensland Register newspaper date(s) 3.3.1902 MTDDG: 22.2.1902
External Link
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Please email me if you can contribute any other relevant information about this person (eg any other military service, where in Australia they came from or when/where they died). Also, if you find an external link broken.

Apology: For some time now it has been difficult to keep up with the newly available sources (especially the Trove newspaper site) plus the flow of contributions and queries. So I have been forced to prioritise maintenance and data entry over replying to correspondence. Nevertheless, your contributions are being added to the database and acknowledged on the contributions page and, although my replies are many months behind, I will attempt to get to them more often.
Colin Roe

The Oz-Boer Database is copyright and may not be used for any commercial purpose.