Extracts and Comments (from Sources as shown) | | Murray: Sergeant. B5172: next of kin in Brisbane Qld. URL2: ?Mr. HINTON, Superintendent of the Central Fire Brigade Station [Brisbane Qld.], has received news of the serious illness of one of his sons who is at present [c2.1902] in South Africa. URL3: SERGEANTS' WELCOME HOME. There was a time of unalloyed pleasure at the Sergeants' Institute, Treasury Chambers, on Saturday evening last [3.5.1902], when the members assembled in strong force to extend a welcome-home to their fellow non- commissioned officers of the Fifth Queensland Imperial Bushmen. Quartermaster Sergeant EDE occupied the Chair in the unavoidable absence of the Garrison Sergeant-major CHALMERS, and the visitors of the Fifth Contingent present included Lieutenant LOYNES, Sergeant-major PRICE (warrant officer), Sergeant-major BYRNES, Quartermaster-sergeant GOODE, Sergeant majors WILLIAMS, KNYVETT, BOWMAN and Sergeants NAYLOR, COLLINS, LEETCH, CB and AB CORBETT, LACEY, AYSCOUGH, FERGUSON, MARSH, HINTON and ARMSTRONG. URL4: Casualties. Fifth Queensland Bushmen - Private WJ ARMSTRONG (271), lying ill at Charlestown from enteric, February 9 [1902]; Sergeant JW HARTON (272), lying ill, at Charlestown, from enteric, February 9 [1902]. Sixth Queensland Bushmen - Corporal CJ GREGORY (414), lying ill of enteric at Heilbron, February 9 [1902]. Queensland Bushmen (number of contingent not given) - Private J STONEHAM (496), lying ill at Charlestown, of dysentery, February 9 [1902].