Imperial megacorporation.
Primarily a banking and investment house, Hortalez et Cie specialises in loans to planetary governments, bonding mercenary units, underwriting all sorts of large-scale projects, and other fiscal activities. Hortalez is one of the major insurance houses in the Imperium. In some regions, including the Spinward Marches, it serves as a mercenary clearinghouse.
Lucienne Hortalez founded the corporation in 221 with capital from family funds.
Interests: Banking, investments, finance arrangements.
Stock ownership: Imperial family, 5%; Hortalez family, 74%; Naasirka, 7%; Zirunkarish , 5%; Makhidkarun, 3%; Other, 6%.
(SUPP-8, 1107; MT-REFCOMP, 1120)
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