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SCUNA 50th Anniversary Dinner,
University House, 16 August 2013
Photos by Peter Hislop

SCUNA History » Photos » Photos of the SCUNA 50th by Peter Hislop

All 55 photos taken by Peter Hislop at SCUNA's 50th Anniversary are online in an album attached to SCUNA's Facebook page. For this page, I've selected photos particularly relevant to SCUNA's history between 1963 and 1988.

Each thumbnail is linked to a separate page containing the photo represented.

I don't know everyone who appears even in these few photos. If you can fill in any blanks, please email me.

Thumbnail of foyer display of memorabilia Thumbnail of some old friends Thumbnail of Rosemary Richards
1. 2. 3.
Thumbnail of the dinner in progress Thumbnail of Ken Healey Thumbnail of Peter Campbell
4. 5. 6.
Thumbnail of Rodney Wetherell Thumbnail of Janet Healey Thumbnail of Christopher Burrell
7. 8. 9.
Thumbnail of Rik Allen Thumbnail of Jenny Sawer Thumbnail of Mark Chapman
10. 11. 12.
Thumbnail of some SCUNA conductors Thumbnail of the organisers of SCUNA50 Thumbnail of SCUNA president with new life members
13. 14. 15.
Thumbnail of former and current members singing