Australian General Semantics Society Inc.



2020 Seminar Summary

Saturday 25th. April (ANZAC Day!)
12 noon - 2:00 pm on-line (by ZOOM)

"The Exhilaration and Challenges
of Applying our Learning of General Semantics"

We love to read the books, watch engaging presentations of great minds,
        nod wisely to things we agree with, and ignore those that we disagree with.
        But how does that move us forward and honour the tradition of time-binding?

Presenter: Robert James

Our Seminar
was hosted for the first time on-line, courtesy of the lovely Covid-19 virus!
We missed the customary hospitalit of Gavan and Pauline at Bonnet Bay :-(.

Catching Up
Sharing of triumphs and tragedies and miscellaneous yarns.

GS Diary
In the spirit of "applying general semantics principles" to our lives, as opposed to dwelling in theory, we considered members' accounts of observations and applications relating to the principles and formulations of our discipline.

Here is the PowerPoint for today: April on-line presentation.

Next Meeting:

Covid-19 has driven us on-line


The 2020 Seminar Programme is evolving - "Watch this space" !


This "summary" is a collection of notes derived from our discussion by a number of means.  It is by no means a scholarly dissertation on the subject as presented.  It does not purport to be the "policy of AGS".  Comment and criticism (constructive or otherwise) is welcome.  If anyone has been misquoted, copyrights infringed or confidences betrayed, please Contact us.






