AGS Seminar 2003: “Ethics”


Action cards for the board game “Horns of the Dilemma”



At last you have been able to Drive Yourself Sane, so

Join the Very Sane Lady in the top-left corner!




Your Expectations are close to zero, but is your Happiness approaching infinity?

Hmmm - Maybe consider it from a "Snail's Perspective" ?




My mother's many Media, Maps & Myths are multiplying magnificiently ...

Even the Kookas can Laugh at this one!



Happy to be together are they - They're almost home!

Why don't you join them there?




"Levels of Knowing and Existence" are not for you.

So go, alas, to Betty Boo!.




"Words make Thoughts", and "Thoughts make Words"

Time to have a closer look!




Is this all a Miltonian Melodrama?

Say no more - Join the Lady with the Mask.





It's all a bit too Hairy -

Better go and have a Shave!




Nice to have some Semantic Relaxation

After the surfing - Off to Beddie-Byes!




"Non-verbal" communications are great - "Silence is Golden"

Time to go to the lovely Golden Car!




Happiness can be illusary

You might think that the Little Red Car is just where you want to be!





The Sophists (or was it the Exentialists?) said that we cannot be sure of anything -

Is that really a Chook made of Oranges? - Best go and have a close look!




Can we be sure of History? Is it really the Blessed Virgin atop the bridge?

Hurry to meet her while the Image (or is it a Mirage?) remains!





Sometimes we need to suspend Rational Analysis.

Let's commune with the PrayingLady.




Did Alfred Korzybski say:

1. "GS preaches about morality and ethics as such"


2.  "We train students in consciousness of abstracting, consciousness of the multiordinal mechanisms of evaluation, relational orientations etc, which bring about cortico-thalamic integration, and then as a result 'morality', 'ethics', awareness of social responsibilities, etc. follow automatically."

Consider this question with your Brains Trust.




Impaled on the Structural Differential

- Swap places with the player in behind of you.




Forgotten your Dating and Indexing ?

Oh Dear ... back by four steps, please!




Confused by the Levels of Abstraction?

Not at all - Take a leap 4 steps forward ...




You "think" about non-elementalism, but do you really "feel" it?

Catch up with the person ahead of you.




You are the Master of Non-Identity

Leap ahead by Ten




"Should" "every" "word" "be" "in" "apostrophes" "to"

"acknowledge" "the" "multiordinality" "of" "our" "language"?

If you think "Yes", go back two steps.

If you think "No", go forward by four, then miss a go.




You are suffering from hyphenation-hyperbole

Go back to be with the player behind you.




Your converging inferences have conveniently coalesced.

The player behind you and the player in front converge on your step.





You have outgrown the "Manhood of Humanity"

Leap forward by Ten!





Your Science is "sane", but is your Sanity "scientific"?

Take another step forward.





You have, alas, become obsessed with reflexive mapping.

Making a map of the map-maker making a map of the map-maker ...

Miss a turn while your break out of the spiral ...




Your people are still in quandaries ...

Go to the nearest pink step to think about it.




Perplexing psycho-physiological paradoxes pose particularly peculiar problems pertaining to perfect people.

Perhaps the proper perspective would be perceived by picking another card.




Heisenberg hates certainty. 

Toss again, and go back by that score.




Nierenberg's women are still negotiating ... 

Miss a turn.




Codish and Codish are "Driving you Sane" ...

Take a couple more cards!





It's time to move beyond the Object Level ...

Swap places with the Leader




