Radar Jammers

Roll (2D) Power TL 7 TL 8 TL 10 TL 14
Unit Wgt  (kg) Item Qty Price (MCr) Pkgd Wgt  (kg) Disp tons Unit Wgt  (kg) Item Qty Price (MCr) Pkgd Wgt  (kg) Disp tons Unit Wgt  (kg) Item Qty Price (MCr) Wgt/ ton   (kg) Unit Wgt  (kg) Item Qty Price (MCr) Wgt/ ton   (kg)
2-3 10 100 4 1.5 500 0.25 10 15 2.25 210 1 4 35 2.1 200 2 70 2.10 200
4-6 50 300 1 4.5 400 0.25 30 5 2.25 210 1 16 10 2.4 230 3 50 2.25 210
7-8 100 500 1 7.5 600 0.50 50 3 2.25 210 1 20 8 2.4 230 10 15 2.25 210
9-10 500 1300 1 19.5 1500 0.80 130 1 1.95 190 0.25 60 3 2.7 250 18 8 2.16 200
11 1000 2000 1 30 2500 1.00 200 1 3.00 290 0.25 80 2 2.4 230 20 7 2.10 200
12 5000 4000 1 60 5000 1.20 400 1 6.00 570 0.5 160 1 2.4 230 30 5 2.25 210

Available: Each set of values represents a packaged shipment; 1D shipments are available. For example, taking TL 13 100-power radar jammers, there are 15 jammers per packaged shipment, and 1D shipments available.

Actual Value Modifiers
Purchase I - 4, R - 3
Resale I - 3, Ni + 2, P + 1, R - 2

Electronic Circuit Protection (ECM)

Roll (1D) Type Unit Wgt  (kg) Item Qty Price/ton (MCr) Pkgd Wgt  (kg)
1-4 Basic 10 15 0.75 210
5-6 Extensive 30 5 1 210

Figures are per displacement ton. Pkgd Wgt = packaged weight of 1 displacement ton; i.e. as packaged for transport.
Available: 1D tons.

Actual Value Modifiers
Purchase I - 4, R - 3
Resale I - 3, Ni + 2, P + 1, R - 2

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