Old fashioned Home Down An Old Country Lane (An)

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T:An Old fashioned Home Down An Old Country Lane
% NFF Book 2017
S:collected by Harry Schaefer, Forbes NSW
S:from the manuscripts of Harry Schaefer (1879-1954), Forbes, NSW
S:Rob Willis Collection, NLA
H:This may come from "Al Clauser and His Oklahoma Outlaws"
H:collection of original mountain and range songs.
H:American Music Inc. Portland, Or. 1937. 50p of music?
O:Australia, NSW, Forbes
D|"G"BA GB|"D7"AG FA|"C"GG FE|"G"D3D|"C"EE ^DE|"D7"AG FE|"G"D4-|D3D|
"C"EE ^DE|"D7"AA GE|"G"DD GA|"E7"B3B|"A7"B2AG|FE ^DE|"D7"A4-|A2E^D||
"G"D2GA|B2 ED|"A7"^C2EB|A2E=F|"D7"F2AF|"C"EG FE|"G"D4-|D2E^D|
"C"c2BE|c2BE|"A7"BA GF|E2E=F|"D7"F2ED|c2BA|"G"G4-|G4||

An Old fashioned Home Down An Old Country Lane - played by Greg O'Leary

Additional Information

Additional information may be available on the following people or organisations associated with the collection of this tune:
| Rob Willis Collection |