Original SCUNA logo

~13 June 1971
by Sue Baldwin1

SCUNA history » Oyez » ~13 June 1971

Transcription follows:

Image of newsletter. Transcription follows.


Official organ of SCUNA     OYEZ!     Post I.V. issue

Well, here we all are2, back from the wilds of I.V., though scarcely recovered therefrom. For all those who indulged, best wishes for a speedy return to good health. Brian, who shouldered the mammoth task of convening the aforementioned Experience, has now decided to resign from the presidency. Scuna is now under temporary management (MINE...megalomaniacal cackle) till a General Meeting to elect a new President can be convened. This will take place next Sunday (20th) during the normal Scuna rehearsal (UPSTAIRS UNION 3.30-5.30).3 Nominations signed by the nominator, seconder and nominee should be submitted to Ian Bollen4 (Garran, Rm. 382) before the rehearsal.

2nd TERM CONCERT Yes folks, Scuna is at last going to expose itself to the public eye...and ear. This will occur on Tuesday, July 27th. As you read this Oyez, Ayis will be immersed in the archives of the Fisher Library finding a luvly long work for us to do. As well as this we shall be singing the Palestrina "Stabat Mater", two of Fred5 Tomkins best known madrigals, and by popular request6, the Schutz "Ego Dormio".

Since time is short, we are re-introducing MID -WEEK REHEARSALS. The most suitable time for these will be decided at the General Meeting. We are putting in a general plea...

GENERAL PLEA: SCUNA NEEDS YOU at ALL THESE REHEARSALS. I.V. is not the end of the world: do come back.

POST I.V. PARTY (gurgle, nurgle!7) : relive those treasured memories from I.V! See yourself acting out your own personal fantasies - we hope Ross Worrall8 can bring his film (please, Ross?). The Venue for this Event is Meg MacD_____'s house, __ Norman St., Deakin. The Date is

at 8 p.m.

Special note to other societies: This is (appropriately) the first round in the I.V. party whirl. Come all ye faithful! Beds (or floors) will be provided. If you arrive early in Canberra and are at a loose end, get in touch with me (Burton Hall at the Uni, Rm. 301).

Maureen, our friendly librarian, would greatly appreciate the return of any outstanding music (you can keep the mediocre stuff), especially that which was borrowed during I.V. She also gives due warning that in the near future she will be calling for volunteers to help "do over" (her words, not mine) the Scuna library. Some of us are quite curious to know what really is stored away in the dark recesses of our multitudinous filing cabinets.

Meanwhile, this is your friendly correspondent signing off. You'll be pleased to know that I have recovered from those I.V. diseases billetor's foot and Dymo forearm9, but have now got a sad case of typiste's forefinger.10

See you all on Sunday,
Orriv Wah,11


1Sue Baldwin (1949-1988) was President of SCUNA twice during the 1970s.

2"Well, here we all are" was something of a catchphrase. I blame Brian - or possibly Dorelle.

3That was the old Union building, then the Chancelry Annex, now the Pauline Griffin Building. Useful balconies for kite-flying!

4Ian Bollen aka Bollie (1948-1996).
[I'll be putting more online to commemorate Bollie.]

5"Fred" and "Jim" were names that crept in everywhere, thanks to the Goon Show.

6Sarcasm alert! We sang "the Schütz and the Rubbra" (the latter's Missa in honorem Sancti Dominici, I seem somehow to recall) to death in 1971, probably because we were so busy with SCUNA's first-ever hosting of an IV that we didn't have time to learn anything else!

7"Nurgle" is another Goon Show word. There was a lot of it about.

8Ross Worrall (1938?-1993) of UNCS/MMM attended and filmed every Intervarsity Choral Festival from 1966 to 1992. (Dates based on information in Peter Campbell's Laudate: the first 50 years of the Australian Intervarsity Choral Movement, Canberra, 1999.)

9Dymo machines used to be mechanical: quite a lot of pressure had to be applied in order to emboss letters into the tough plastic adhesive material known as "Dymo tape". Can anyone remember why there was so much labelling going on during CIV 1971?

  Email 20/8/03 from Daryl C________ (SCUNA 1978-79): "Not me, because I wasn't there, but maybe it was name tags? I got a Dymoed name tag at Perth 1973."

  I think this is the answer!

10Here we see the first of Sue's Health Reports. All her Oyezes end with one, and with the words:

11Orriv Wah: a reference to her Honours subject, French. smiley face