Australians in the Boer War
Oz-Boer Database Project

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Full Record

Hint: This site is intended as a search aid - not a definitive source. It is essentially an index to documents that seem to relate to this person plus a very brief precis of relevant elements. Sources often conflict and I also flag things with a ? when I am unsure. So if the information below is important to you, then please check the original sources to see what else they contain (and in case I have inadvertantly introduced transcription and/or precising errors). There can be additional information that was not included in the database for both space and copyright reasons.


Surname JOSS
Given Name(s) or Initial(s) Alexander Wynyard
Regimental Number
Unit Name 5th Queensland Imperial Bushmen
Extracts and Comments
(from Sources as shown)

Murray: Queen's South Africa medal and 5 clasps.
AJHR(NZ): NZ inquiry into HMT 'Britannic' & 'Orient'.
Fogg: OiC Cyclist Section, injured in fall from horse.
West Australian: Lt. JOSS & cyclists carrying despatches to Eerste Fabrieken captured 9 Boers.
Source:# 417 JOSS Wynard A Lieutenant 8NZ, NZDF file 3837.
URL1: ?JOSS Wm. Saddler 9369 10NZ.
B5172: next of kin in Brisbane Qld.
URL3: remained in S. Africa for further service when 5QIB returned to Aust.
URL4: Alexander WYNYARD-JOSS OBE of Wilston Heights Qld., died in Brisbane aged about 84 and cremated at Mt. Thompson Chapel 14.1.1954, Boer War Captain & WW1 Major, commanded 52 5QIB cyclists until terrain became too rough.
URL6: PRESENTATION TO LIEUTENANT WYNYARD-JOSS. The employees of the Massey-Harris branch of the Canada Cycle and Motor Car Company Limited, whose bicycles were chosen by the Commandant (Colonel FINN) for the cyclists section which accompanies the Fifth Contingent, met together last [28.2.1901] evening at the request of the management. Mr. A WYNYARD-JOSS, who goes in command of the company, was asked to attend, and was presented with a beautiful Colt's revolver by Mr. AV DODWELL, the Queensland representative of the company, as a mark of goodwill and esteem. Mr.JOSS, in acknowledging the gift, said it would remind him when in South Africa of his Massey-Harris friends in Queensland, and he hoped with it's aid to secure a few order's from the Boers for Massey-Harris bicycles. The health of Mr. JOSS was toasted with musical honours, and hearty cheers were given for him as the officer in charge of the first cycle corps to leave Australia.
URL7: A letter from Lieutenant Wyn. JOSS, in command of the Cycle Soldiers in South Africa, to Mr. AV DODWELL, dated from Wondersboom Camp. 10.7.1901, and just to hand, has been handed to us with kind permission to use some extracts. Wyn opens with a reference to the kindly remarks of Bennett BURLEIGH on the work of the cyclist. Wyn. says it is little short of wonderful the way the bikes have stood the trouble. He says - "We are all, bar four, mounted on, horseback now, the machines being sent to Pretoria until such times as we can get better roads. It possible I shall send you one back fully equipped with overcoat, rifle, axe, blankets, haversack, two bandoliers, 150 rounds ammunition, water bottle, and small bundle of wood strapped on just as we rode through that awful trek. Well, I am very fit and although we have had a lot of sharp fighting, am glad to say I have not lost a man. I do not know if I told you that five of my men were captured while despatch riding, and their rifles and bikes taken from them. I made it up that very day by capturing two Boers, fifty horses, 160 head of cattle. 3000 sheep, and as the Boers retired over the hill, poured a volley into them, and saw two drop. The place was named, Mason's Rest, and I was in advance, the captured cyclists being in the rear of the column.
Source References
Murray: Official Records of the Australian Contingents etc. page(s) 491 492
AJHR(NZ): Appendix to the Journal of the House of Representatives (NZ) reference(s) H6C'02
Fogg: 5th Contingent Qld. Imperial Bushmen in South Africa 1901-02 page(s) various
West Australian: West Australian newspaper date(s) 11.5.1901
Source:# Oz-Boer contributed source number 417
Kopje: ABWSGoA journal The Kopje date(s) 6.2004
B5172: National Archives of Australia series B5172
Bne. Courier: Brisbane Courier newspaper date(s) 1.3.1901, 16.5.1902 & 15.1.1954
AWM43: National Archives of Australia series AWM43 AWM25: MP744/39:
Horsham Times: Horsham Times newspaper date(s) 14.5.1901
Queenslander: The Queenslander newspaper date(s) 7.9.1901
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Please email me if you can contribute any other relevant information about this person (eg any other military service, where in Australia they came from or when/where they died). Also, if you find an external link broken.

Apology: For some time now it has been difficult to keep up with the newly available sources (especially the Trove newspaper site) plus the flow of contributions and queries. So I have been forced to prioritise maintenance and data entry over replying to correspondence. Nevertheless, your contributions are being added to the database and acknowledged on the contributions page and, although my replies are many months behind, I will attempt to get to them more often.
Colin Roe

The Oz-Boer Database is copyright and may not be used for any commercial purpose.