Extracts and Comments (from Sources as shown) | | Murray: Ag. Corporal killed in action at Onverwacht 4.1.1902. Source:# 22 War Memorial Brisbane. B5172: next of kin in Sherwood Qld. URL4: 5QIB invitation to unveiling of memorial in Sherwood Anglican cemetery. URL6: Jack (John) MACFARLANE 5QIB killed in action at Ondervogt (sic) SE Tvl. 4.1.1902 aged 21, formerly a clerk with Price & Jones Solicitors. URL7: Cpl. J MACFARLANE 5th Qld. Bushmen killed. URL9: A pathetic ceremony took place in St. Matthew's Churchyard, Sherwood, on Saturday afternoon [21.6.1902], when the Premier unveiled a monument which had been erected by friends in memory of Sergeant BERRY and Acting Corporal MACFARLANE, who were killed in action, Onverwacht, Transvaal, South Africa. URL10: Several dreary weeks of trekking on the Amersfont road followed before the column reached Onverwacht, where a big fight was made with 900 Boers. The casualties in PLUMER's column in this engagement were nineteen killed, and thirty-seven wounded. Major VALENTINE, commanding the corps, was among the slain, and Captain JOHNSON of the Scottish Imperial Yeomanry, while several Queenslanders also fell, including Sergeants BERRY and POWER (the latter being mentioned in despatches for coolness and daring in action) and SHANNON, privates CHARDON, SALT, MACFARLANE and LILLEY, while Captain CARTER and Lieutenant HIGGINSON were severely wounded. It was in this engagement that Major TOLL displayed that special bravery that caused his name to be mentioned in the London "Gazette" for bravery and coolness in leadership. Company-Sergeant KNYVETT and Reg.-Sergeant Major PRICE being also mentioned for coolness. Major TOLL was himself too modest to tell our representative much of his own doings, but the other officers speak in the highest terms of his leadership. "Don't forget," said one of them, "to say that we all call TOLL 'The Fighting Major.'"