Extracts and Comments (from Sources as shown) | | Murray: 'D'Sqn. 3Tp. Gold-fields District. B5207: miner from Kalgoorlie WA next of kin from Kanmantell SA. URL1: miner aged 23 from Kalgoorlie WA, born in Kanmantoo SA next of kin in Kanmantoo. URL2: Host CLYDESDALE, of the Royal Mail Hotel, gave a reception to the returned Contingenters on Wednesday evening last [11.6.1902], and as is usual with everything he takes in hand, the affair proved to be a great success. There was no lack of good things for the large number of guests present, and the various toasts were enthusiastically honored. Host CLYDESDALE occupied the chair and proposed "The King," which was followed by the toast of the evening, the "Returned Contingenters" by Mr MCNAMARA, supported by Messrs DYER, SCOTT, WILLCOCKS, GRIFFITH, FORD (a veteran of the Crimea), the Host and others. Many complimentary remarks were passed by these gentlemen of the good work done by the Australians at the war, and they expressed their pleasure at seeing the Magnet boys back once more, they also extended a hearty welcome to the Kalgoorlie boys present, and the toast was drunk with musical honors. Troopers HARKIN, FORD, RYAN, BACKMAN, GARLAND, O'NEILL and BROOKER responded. URL3: Albany, May 21 [1902]. The transport Aurania arrived from South Africa this morning with a far larger number of troops on board than has ever left to come to Australia in one vessel. ... The following is the roll of the troops that have disembarked at Albany - 530, Corpl. JA KYLE, Western Australian Mounted Infantry, Albany. 493, Private JH BLACKMAN WAMI, Albany; 457, Pt. BONEHAM, WAMI Albany; 514. Pt. FORD WAMI, Albany; 334 Pt. W GARLAND WAMI, Albany; 489, Pt. D O'CONNELL, WAMI, Albany; 442, Pt. J O'NEILL, WAMI, Albany; 328, Pt. J PANNAN, WAMI, Albany; 349, Pt. GH PEARSE, WAMI, Albany; 178, Pt. W SHEA, WAMI, Albany; 307, Pt. TA STINFORD, WAMI, Albany; 523, Pt. T STYLES, WAMI, Albany; 39475, Pt. H BRYSON, Cape Medical Staff Corps, Albany; Trooper AE CRUGAN, Damant's Horse, Albany; 36942 Tpr. J TANCRED, Scottish Horse, Albany; 4015. Tpr. G HARRIS, Third New South Wales Bushmen, Albany; 437 Ranger P WILLIAMS, Cattle Rangers, Albany.