Australians in the Boer War
Oz-Boer Database Project

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Full Record

Hint: This site is intended as a search aid - not a definitive source. It is essentially an index to documents that seem to relate to this person plus a very brief precis of relevant elements. Sources often conflict and I also flag things with a ? when I am unsure. So if the information below is important to you, then please check the original sources to see what else they contain (and in case I have inadvertantly introduced transcription and/or precising errors). There can be additional information that was not included in the database for both space and copyright reasons.


Surname EDDY
Given Name(s) or Initial(s) George Albert
Regimental Number
Unit Name 1st Victorian Mounted Infantry
Extracts and Comments
(from Sources as shown)

Murray: killed in action 12.2.1900.
Wallace1: killed at Pink Hill.
Hardg&Mac: photo.
Price1: killed in action at Hobkirk's Farm, Mentioned in Despatches, photo, War Memorials Ballarat, Beaufort, S. Melbourne, Canberra & Williamstown.
Kopje: shot through brain.
B5177: military officer aged 39.
B5179: soldier Permanent Staff Vic. Barracks Melbourne.
Source:# 888 photo of original grave on veldt.
URL4: Killed in action near Rensburg 12.2.1900.
URL6: memorial in Colesburg Cemetery.
URL8: Major killed photo.
Ben. Std.: The Late Major EDDY - Mrs. EDDY, widow of the late Major EDDY, has received a letter from Sir F PONSONBY, private secretary to the Queen, stating that Her Majesty would like to posses a photograph of Major EDDY, and asking Mrs. EDDY to forward one for Her Majesty's acceptance. The letter continues — 'The Queen deplores the death of so brave an officer, and desires me to convey to you the expression of Her Majesty's deep sympathy with you in the irreparable loss you have suffered by his death'.
Mt. AlexanderM: CASTLEMAINE DISTRICT HONOR ROLL. A CREDITABLE RECORD. The Third Commonwealth Contingent sailed for South Africa in the Manchester Merchant yesterday afternoon [19.5.1902], and owing to the favorable peace omens, it may be looked upon the last Australian contribution to the Empire's forces in connection with the present war. Such being the case, the occasion is a fitting one to submit a list of those residents of Castlemaine and district, who have fought, or are fighting - and in some instances have bled and died - for the flag in South Africa. The list is a lengthy one, and we have divided it into three heads. .... The third list cannot be taken as complete, but it contains the names of the best known Castlemaine boys, who have made their homes elsewhere, and who served in different British and Colonial regiments in South Africa. In this list also a death is to be noted — Major EDDY. The 1st Contingent sailed on 28th October, 1900, or 19 months ago, and altogether eight contingents have left Victoria for the seat of war. In the appended lists, the first contains 28 names, the second, 18, and the third, 8. Total, 54. FOURTH BATTALION. - Castlemaine 28, Kyneton 12, Bendigo 2. Total 42. Castlemaine List. Capt. R GARTSIDE, Harcourt; Imperial Australian Bushmen; wounded at Wolvenhuiten, February 14th, 1901. Sergeant JT CURNOW, Guildford; 1st Contingent and 5th Contingent; promoted in South Africa, February 1st, 1900. Sergeant AWJ HUGHES, 1st Contingent and 1st Commonwealth Contingent; now on active service. Corporal A ROSS, Castlemaine; 1st Contingent; killed at Pink Hill, February 12th, 1900. Corporal CB ARCHER, Chewton; 1st Contingent; promoted in South Africa, February 1st, 1900; ivalided home August 2nd, 1900. Corporal FH SAMPSON, Castlemaine; 1st Contingent; promoted in South Africa, August 26th, 1900. Corporal AJR MILLAR, Barker's Creek; 3rd Contingent. Corporal WJ MCLAREN, Glenluce; 1st Commonwealth Contingent; now on active service. Lance-Corporal WJ MCMAHON, Sutton Grange; 5th Contingent. Lance-Corporal AE EAGLE, Harcourt; 3rd Commonwealth Contingent. Private J MCCANCE, Chewton; 1st Contingent and 1st Commonwealth Contingent; severely wounded at Pink Hill February 12th, 1900, and taken prisoner by the Boers; invalided home 6th September, 1900; now on active service. Private JJ JACKSON, Castlemaine; 1st Contingent. Private J DUGGAN, Castlemaine; 1st Contingent. Private CE MCMINN, Castlemaine; 1st Contingent. Private R MCMINN, Castlemaine; 1st Contingent. Private A WEBBER, Campbell's Creek, 1st Contingent. Private H DYER, Chewton; 1st Contingent. Private CR TOPHAM, Guildford; 1st Contingent invalided home February 1st; then joined 5th Contingent; now on active service. Private D FERRIES, Harcourt; Imperial Australian Bushmen. Private AH MCLEAN, Harcourt; 5th Contingent. Private H VICK, Harcourt; 5th Contingent. Private CJ FOY, Castlemaine; 1st Commonwealth Contingent; now on active service. Private WJ WITTINGSLOW, Castlemaine; 1st Commonwealth Contingent; now on active service. Private WF GILES, Castlemaine; 3rd Commonwealth Contingent. Private R MARCUS, Castlemaine; 3rd Commonwealth Contingent. Private AT PITTS, Green Gully; 3rd Commonwealth Contingent. Private GF COCK, Castlemaine; 3rd Commonwealth Contingent. Private BE COUSENS, Castlemaine; 3rd Commonwealth Contingent.
Ad. Advertiser: An interesting relic of Major EDDY, who lost his life in the South African war, has been recovered by Major MCINERNEY, formerly of Melbourne, who is now [c1.1902] resident official in the Transvaal. This is a pair of field-glasses, which was presented to Major EDDY before his departure from Victoria by his brother officers. Major MCINERNEY having heard that the glasses were in possession of a Boer commandant named LOMBARD, interviewed him regarding them. The commandant declared that he had paid £10 for them to a man who had taken them from Major EDDY's body, but Major MCINERNEY insisted that this method of obtaining them was robbery pure and simple, and that they should be returned. He succeeded in carrying his point, and has forwarded them, says the Melbourne "Argus,"' to his brother, Dr. MCINERNEY MLA, who will send them to Mrs. EDDY without delay. The glasses, which are inscribed in presentation terms, will be prized as one of the last objects Major EDDY must have had in his hands on the fatal day.
Source:# 1578 EDDY, George Albert. Wife Cecilia, eldest son, Jack Rylott EDDY, Captain, 1 Australia Divisional Ammunition Column was killed in action after three years service, 4 October, 1917, aged 23, enlisted as a professional soldier, family then at 50 Arthur Street, South Yarra.
Source References
Murray: Official Records of the Australian Contingents etc. page(s) 213 214 216 219 226 336
Field: The Forgotten War etc. page(s) 82 88 96-8
Wallace1: The Australians at the Boer War page(s) 111-2 & 114
Hardg&Mac: War in S. Africa and the Dark Continent from Savagery to Civilisation page(s) 551 & 558
Price1: They Proved to all the Earth page(s) 17 & 24
Source:# Oz-Boer contributed source number 109
Dooner: The Last Post page(s)
Source:# Oz-Boer contributed source number 120
Reay: Australians at War - with the Australian Regiment page(s) 374
Kopje: ABWSGoA journal The Kopje date(s) 11.2001
HAGSOC: HAGSOC's South African Graves website
B5177: National Archives of Australia series B5177
B5179: National Archives of Australia series B5179 item A
Source:# Oz-Boer contributed source number 888
Town&Country: Aust. Town and Country journal date(s) 24.1.1900
Argus: Melbourne Argus newspaper date(s) 12.2.1901, 23.10.1917, 14.10.1919 & 4.10.1930
Ben. Std.: Benalla Standard newspaper date(s) 15.1.1901
Mt. AlexanderM: Mount Alexander Mail newspaper date(s) 20.5.1902
Ad. Advertiser: Adelaide Advertiser newspaper date(s) 17.1.1902
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Please email me if you can contribute any other relevant information about this person (eg any other military service, where in Australia they came from or when/where they died). Also, if you find an external link broken.

Apology: For some time now it has been difficult to keep up with the newly available sources (especially the Trove newspaper site) plus the flow of contributions and queries. So I have been forced to prioritise maintenance and data entry over replying to correspondence. Nevertheless, your contributions are being added to the database and acknowledged on the contributions page and, although my replies are many months behind, I will attempt to get to them more often.
Colin Roe

The Oz-Boer Database is copyright and may not be used for any commercial purpose.