Extracts and Comments (from Sources as shown) | | Murray: Bernard Eversett, Queen's South Africa medal and 3 clasps Source:# 343 'B'Coy. West Australian: letter of 16.6.1901. URL1: son says Bernard Everett. Source:# 1091 Bernard Everett WW1 AIF Lieutenant 9th Reinforcement for 16Bn., an agent & pearler from Broome WA. URL3: WW1 AIF Lieut. 16Bn., and agent & pearler aged 33 in 1915 educated at Caulfield and E. Malvern Grammars Vic., next of kin wife at Blackboy Hill Broome WA, 2nd Lieut. 2WAMI & Lieut. 6WAMI, Captain 23.3.1916 48Bn. France, gunshot wound right ankle & left knee at Lavantie 6.7.1916, evacuated to London 26.11.1916, returned to Aust. 4.5.1917, correspondence with Repatriation Commission Perth 1932. Source:# 1203 grandaughter says Bernard Everett. URL4: Lieutenant BE BARDWELL, of the Sixth Contingent, is returning to the State. He left Capetown on the 12th inst. [6.1902] URL5: The following copy of a letter received by Lieut. BARDWELL's father, on behalf of his son, has been forwarded to me - "Perth. May 15, 1902. - Lieut. BARDWELL, Sixth WAMI, Bay View Road, Claremont - Dear Sir, On behalf of the non-commissioned officers and men of No. 1 Division 'B' Company of the Sixth West Australian Mounted Infantry. I wish to express to you their appreciation for the very capable and pleasant manner in which you carried out the duties and responsibilities as their divisional officer, whilst on active service in South Africa, and I beg to hand you herewith a photo, (framed) of the members of the division, who returned to Western Australia. Our only regret is that you were not able to be present to complete the group. Trusting that you are now thoroughly recovered, and wishing you every success, I remain, yours very faithfully, HE BLUMENTHAL, late Private Sixth WAMI." URL6: Another officer of the same [6th] contingent who was convalescent, after an attack of enteric fever, was Lieut. BONDWELL (sic), who may shortly [c5.1902] be expected back again.