Extracts and Comments (from Sources as shown) | | URL1: initials CF on Adelaide SA memorial. URL2: Charles Forbes HONNER Tpr. 66 4SAIB a ?drag proprietor aged 27 married. Roe: Murray shows HORNER, died at Hebron 24.12.1900. URL3: Pte. Charles F HONNER SA died of enteric at Heilbron c12.1900. URL4: The Departed Brave. Sunday, 19.9.1909 was a memorable tho' sad day to many who attended the Memorial Service to the soldiers from South Australia who died in South Africa during the Boer War. There was a mammoth gathering to witness the ceremony, at the Memorial Statute in Adelaide on the occasion. The following is the Roll Call of the South Australian heroes who lost their lives. First Contingent. Surgeon-Mjr. TOLL, Lieut. POWELL, Cpls. HEINJUS and KLAFFER, Tprs. SMITH and MATHEWS. Second Contingent. Lieut. GORDON, Tptr. MARSHALL, Tprs. BARTLETT, MARSDEN, and HARDY. Third Contingent. Capt. HUBBE, Cpl. CURRIE, Tprs. MILLMAN and SLOAN. Fourth Contingent. Sgt. MCCABE, Saddler MITCHELL, Tptr. DAVIS, Tprs. PROSSER, MOORE, NICHOLAS, PAGE, HONNER, PALMER, GOODES, WOODHAM, LANDSELL and TOTHILL. Fifth Contingent. Capt. HIPWELL Reg. Sgt.-Mjr. MCGILLIVRAY, QMS SCHUMANN, Sgts. HAMILTON, RUST, and MERCER. Cpl. WHITE, Lce.-Cpl. HAMP, Tprs. GIBB, WHITTLE, MAY, HORSEFALL, GLUYAS, COCHRANE, HIRTH, VICKERY and SIMMONS. Sixth Contingent. Sgt. MURRIE, Lce.-Cpl BARRON, Tprs. BENNIER, WALTER, EWINS, MARSHALL, CROFT, MAIN, TEATE and BEARE. 2nd Australian Commonwealth Horse. Tprs. BROWNLEY, SPILLANE and TAEUBER. URL5: Mr. AT HONNER, of the Coutral Mine office staff, Broken Hill, died suddenly there on Monday morning [15.6.1903]. He had been seven years on the mine and was only married in February last year. He leaves a widow and one young child. Deceased was the only surviving son of the Rev. HONNER, of Magill, South Australia. Another brother died in South Africa during the war. URL6: ST. PETER'S COLLEGE. A MEMORIAL TABLET. OLD SCHOLARS SERVICE. An interesting ceremony was performed at St. Peter's College on Sunday morning [7.9.1902] when the Bishop of Adelaide unveiled a tablet recording the names of the old boys who fought for the Empire in the late Boer war. The memorial was erected by the Old Scholars' Association, and on it are inscribed the names of just four score soldiers who saw service in South Africa. The roll of honor is alphabetically arranged thus - GR ALDRIDGE, EK ANDREWS, CP BUTLER, DW BROCK, FW BELT, S BLUE, GE BLACKMORE, JR BECK, JWH BOSWORTH, S BAGOT, HR CORPE, GE CATCHLOVE, AJ CAMPBELL, N CAPMBELL, RH CUDMORE, NW CUTHBERTSON, FS CUDMORE, AC CARTER, G COSSINS, FS DOUGLAS, JH DOWNER, HSC DALE, AE DAVIS, HM DOWNES, Harold DOWNES, WH EDMUNDS, RH FERGUSON, CC FERGUSON, RS FOTHERINGHAM, WH GOSSE, AH GLEN, FWC GEYER, FD GOWER, JLH GORDON, JM HOWE, R HAMILTON, WF HOPKINS, CF HONNER, RW HORNABROOK, LF HAYWARD, FDV HODGSON, G LEWIS, C MORPHETT, FH MAKIN, JH MAKIN, LH MILNE, VM NEWLAND DCM, D OLDHAM, NB O'HALLORAN, G PALTRIDGE, H PAGE, CH PACKARD, EJ PIZEY, Gordon DEREYHER, JP RICHARDSON, HG RANKINE, AG RANKINE, WH SCOTT, CG SABINE, AE SHORT, FL SIMPSON, GJ SANGSTER, WM STEWART, CG FRAMPTON, HA TOLMER, HF TOLMER, FB TREVENEN, W TWEEDIE, MD TWEEDIE, J WAY, RD WEBB, AOH WRIGHT, PE WARBURTON, Guy WYLLY VC, PWG WILSON, SA WHITE, AB WORTHINGTON, OD WIGLEY, KA WARMINGTON. The tablet has been erected in what is known as the big schoolroom and the unveiling was witnessed by a large assemblage of past and present scholars, the former embracing some of the best known men in the State, including Senator Sir John DOWNER and the Treasurer (the Hon. R BUTLER). ...