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Memories of Uncle Andrew

Andrew on his friend Ginge's bike in MerewetherThe Cardiff house Uncle Andrew taking us to the beach in the sidecar from Kempster road.

Going out to Cardiff in the bus for Sunday lunch.

Mum helpless in his arms when Grandy died and later Nanna. He was a tower of strength to her and became a father figure especially for Wal when he was growing up.

Sensible, practical with a lovely laugh and never a harsh word about anyone.

He taught me to dance in the short hallway at Ridge Street.

Nanna told the story of his first pay, a 10 shilling note, which she washed and totally ruined.

Myrnie Edmonds nee Thomson, early 1940sHe drove me to my wedding, hosted Wal's 21st birthday, encouraged and supported us when we were young and later provided the same encouragement and interest in Grahame's projects. Particularly the building of a horse buggy (which never happened).

I loved both Auntie Myrnie and Uncle Andrew and now, with Mum, they are all gone. No wonder we are all sad and grieving.

- Beverley Lawson, niece


Page created 29 July 2005; last updated 03 December 2009