Why Practise General Semantics (GS) ?

Use of General Semantics bring you many benefits, including, for example ..:

*  You can succeed more in life.
    E.g. in your business or projects. (Ask about our SUCCESS video.)

* You can cope with failure better and learn from it.
   (See how time-binding works!)

* You will lead a happier life
   (or at least a less unhappy one!)

* You can cope better with unneeded anger, anxiety, depression, fear and guilt.
   and appreciate more love, happiness and enjoyment.

* You will get along better with others
   and get more of what you want and less of what you do not want.

* You will be able to communicate better with others.
   and with yourself!

* You will improve your decision making
   and come up with better solutions to your problems.

* You can become more in control of your life.
   This means more self discipline to get things done.
   So you will be able to loose weight, get fit and change your life style
   so as to reduce the chance of heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, etc.

* Etc.

So overall by applying GS ...
You can "put more years into your life and more life into your years".

Of course all this comes at a price. One must not only learn the GS formulations, you then need to convert them into skills and apply those skills habitually in your life. As Korzybski said, if you only talk about it, no results can be expected.

Remember that olde Persian proverb:
He who learns and learns and yet does not what he knows,
is one who plows and plows yet never sows!

You can see other views on the benefits of GS at the following sites:

This is not that (Steve Stockdale)

Institute for GS Learning Centre



Web site by RLJamez