Australian General Semantics Society Inc.




(Some of the) AGS Events so far in 2021

For details of our seminars etc.
Contact AGS.

Saturday 13th March 2021

"Reaching Agreement - with General Semantics"

How well can GS provide formulations, that, if used,
can help people come to agreement?

This meeting is about how (and within what limits)

GS can help people come to agreement.
We have a go at applying this to political views.

Facilitated by Tom Valcanis

Click here for the summary

Saturday 17th April 2021

"Managing the Media - with General Semantics"

MediaIs "all" our information mediated through layers of institutional processing?

  * Can we ever access the "unmediated truth"?
  * What use is advertising - can re resist it?
  * How can we find trusted sources?
  * How to separate fact/inference perceptions?
  * What, indeed is the territory, and what the map ... ?
  * "I wouldn't believe anything I read in Western media
    about China ... "

Facilitated by Robert James

Click here for the summary.

Saturday 12th June 2021

"Alternative Hypotheses"

Learning to apply the extensional device of ETC to alternative hypotheses, as used in scientific method.

We applied this to how people make up theories on: life, the universe and everything. And we worked out why the answer is not 42 :-).

We experienced a challenging discussion as we apply “etc” to our barbeque-stopping hot topics of politics, sex and religion, etc.

The meeting wias online using Zoom and it it was free!

Facilitated by Mr David Hewson

Click here for the Summary

Saturday 14th August 2021 (by Zoom)

"The Brave New World of Aldus Hucley -
 a Champion of General Semantics"

Aldus Huxley understood that people often react more strongly to symbols than to actual physical dangers that threaten them; e.g. in his essay "Writers and Readers," he observes that: "The hatred we feel at the sight of our enemies is often less intense than the hatred we feel when we read a curse or an invective.

Facilitated by Robert James

Click here for the Summary

... and our lovely Annual General Meeting!

12:30 pm  14th August 2021

Attendance / Apologies / Annual Reports / Election of Office-bearers ... etc ...

Click here for the Minutes and Reports etc.

Saturday 18th September 2021

"Rational-Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) -
a General Semantics Perspective

This is a theory introduced by Albert Ellis, partially based on formulations that Korzybski put forward, e.g. that a lot of people end up behaving irrationally due to faulty premises / assumptions. In REBT they call these beliefs.

Hence the ABC model, where:
   * A is the activating event,
   * B are the beliefs about the event, and
   * C are the person’s consequences, e.g. their reactions
     or as Korzybski would say, their semantic reactions
     and the behaviours that follow from these.

Facilitated by Mr David Hewson

Click here for the Summary

Saturday 30th October 2021

"Science, Religion and the 'F' Word"

"There is a fundamental difference between religion, which is based on authority, and science, which is based on observation and reason. Science will win because it works.”
― Stephen Hawking

“Gravity explains the motions of the planets, but it cannot explain who sets the planets in motion.”
― Isaac Newton

“This most beautiful system of the sun, planets and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being...
This Being governs all things, not as the soul of the world, but as Lord over all; and on account of his dominion he is wont, to be called Lord God παντοκρατωρ or Universal Ruler.”
― Isaac Newton

Facilitated by Mr Brett McDonald

Click here for the Summary

Saturday 27th November 2021

"100th Anniversary of Alfred Korzybski's First Major Work:
'Manhood of Humanity"
      Well, has Humanity grown-up in the following 100 years -
      Do we see any infantile behaviour in our personal, family, community, national or global life?
      What can general semantics contribute to our maturing process ... "

A review this extraordinary work and celebration its 100th Anniversary!

Formulations considered today day:
 * projection,
 * identification,
 * correct symbolism to fact,
 * viewpoint / “to me”,
 * agreeing to disagree agreeably,
 * alternative hypotheses,
 * abstraction processes
      * over generalising,
      * either/or distortion and filtering, etc.

Facilitated by David Hewson and Robert James

Click here for the Summary




Updated by RJ
28th February 2022

Web site by RLJamez